Friday, February 22, 2013


Why would God want to live in us? And how can He do so? After all, He is holy, and we are weak, human flesh with frailties, faults and failures. – Joyce Meyer That is the question, isn’t it? Why would the Creator of the Universe desire to live inside people who tend to be calloused, indifferent, selfish and self-absorbed? Liars. Hoarders. Blasphemers. Sinners. Backsliders. Procrastinators. Still, God Almighty desires to dwell inside US.

The bible says that God’s love for us is “too marvelous to comprehend.” I’m inclined to agree. The fact that God would choose to make his home inside us is proof that His love is immeasurable. Imagine: the King of Glory, the Master of Heaven, electing to make my heart, His home. Clearly, it’s not based on action or deed—we’d all fail if that were the case. Surely, it cannot be based on title or wealth—true love cannot be purchased. Scripture tells us that God’s desire to live in us is based entirely on His grace and His mercy. There isn’t anything we can do to earn this type of love, we need only receive it. The only way to receive God’s indwelled presence and love is to believe in the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. When we receive Jesus as Lord, we become home to God.

As we accept and acknowledge that Jesus is indeed God’s gift to humanity, we can begin to experience greater intimacy with Him. With greater intimacy comes the ability to hear God’s voice and enjoy the splendor of His presence. In God’s presence, we receive fullness of joy. We are empowered to draw closer to God as His wisdom and love transform the dry places in our soul.

When God takes rest in our hearts and makes us His dwelling place, we can receive His blessing with open hands. This frees us to pinpoint our attention on the Giver of All. It is here that we can finally “find rest, oh my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation.”

When the Great I Am chooses to dwell within us, He enfolds us in the safety of His presence. We can rest in God, knowing that we journey alongside Him, operating in the freedom of His forgiveness. We can walk through every day circumstances—major or mundane—undeniably free! God’s indwelled love frees us from our fears and our sins. The Chopra ideology teaches that the mind, body and soul are one and when one aspect is impacted, so are the others. Thus, as we grow and develop intimacy with God, we can experience the beauty of God’s holy, loving whispers into the ears of our souls. We are refreshed and renewed. We can delight in the comfort of His still small voice which breathes life. God’s choice to make our hearts His home provides the perfect way for us to tune our heart to Heaven’s purest love.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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