Friday, February 8, 2013


Consider it wholly joyful, brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. – James 1:2-3

One of my favorite accounts in the bible is the one about David and Goliath. Who could forget the ultimate showdown between Goliath’s brawn and David’s faith in God? It must have been quite a scene to see the army of the Lord, numbering thousands, cowering in the midst of a nine foot giant swinging a massive sword. It must have been quite the scene to hear the bulky Philistine mock the God of Israel as the King and his soldiers looked on in fear. I bet Goliath had a deep, throaty laugh that caused the hairs on the back of your neck to rise. Still, he was no match for God. There are times in our life when we will run up against a situation or circumstance that seems enormous and impenetrable. We find ourselves cowering in the midst of life’s giants, too afraid to respond when they jab at our faith, slash our resilience or tear down our strongholds of strength. Despite how we may feel about the situation, we must be willing to do what David did: believe God for his victory.

You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of the Lord of Hosts. Today the Lord will hand you over to me!

What David did next was even more impressive. He didn’t wait for his giant to come to him. He did not give his giant a chance to launch a counter attack. He didn’t even give his giant a chance to think. He ran quickly to meet his giant and he toppled him with a sling and a stone.

Despite being ridiculed by his older brothers and almost dismissed by the King of Israel, David trusted God and knew that God was able to give him victory over Goliath. Because of David’s faith in God and his willingness to display his trust in God via his actions, David was triumphant. His situation seemed hopeless and utterly impossible, but the bible says with God all things are possible.

The next time you find yourself facing a Goliath in your life, turn to the Lord of Host for strength, wisdom and guidance. Only God has the ability to give you the insight needed to gain victory in hopeless situations. Even Jainism calls for followers to have the right faith, the right knowledge and take the right action. Instead of trying to run from your giant, ask God to give you the ability to persevere. Try asking the Almighty Father to help you remain steadfast. David did not cower or back down from Goliath. He simply spoke. Speak the word of God to your giant. Christ did NOT contend with the devil and neither should you.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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