Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me. What a wonderful message. Not only does the God of all of creation encourage us to call on Him when we find ourselves in the pit of despair, He promises to deliver us. That means when cancer comes knocking, we can count on God’s deliverance. When divorce, depression, or emotional scars begin to bleed, God’s deliverance is a sure thing. No matter what the circumstance or situation, God promises that He will deliver us. He will come to our aid.

Once when my car broke down, I had to call a friend for a ride. After several back and forth phone calls, we agreed on a time that would work best around her schedule. Unbeknownst to me, my friend received an emergency phone call from someone in her family. She would no longer be able to pick me up. So, she did the next best thing. She called another mutual friend and arranged for my transportation. To make a long story short, the mutual friend forgot all about me. I was left there, standing alone waiting for a ride that would not come. This is never the case with God.

God does not have a stand-by or substitute. He does not defer to someone else because He is caught off guard by an emergency situation. He is Master of all earthly and heavenly things. He is Sovereign and exercises His power and dominion without trepidation or reservation. The bible says God is not a man that He should lie. What does that mean? It means that when God promises to deliver us in our time or season of trouble, He will. It means that regardless of what the diagnosis is or what the pink slip says, God will deliver you.

Deliverance can come in many forms: peace of mind, complete healing, an outpouring of joy or even increased faith. Deliverance does not necessarily mean God will pluck you out of your circumstance or situation. Although there are times when God will do that, most of the time, however, God is looking to bring us from glory to glory—from strength to strength. He is looking to help fortify us in Him so that when the next season of turmoil and tribulation arises, we can be steadfast and persevere. Similarly, the Asatru esteem virtues like perseverance and courage, and count them as noble traits.

When we find ourselves in a season of trouble or unrest, as believers, it is imperative that we call on God to deliver us. God is our present help, our rock and our shield. He sees all things, has power over all things and loves us above all things. God loves you!

So, go to God in faith knowing that He will answer you. Cry out to God, expecting that He will rescue you—and He will. God gives us everything we need. Why not allow Him to show it?

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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