God created each of us for a specific purpose. I imagine that as He scooped up the precious earth into His hands and began to fashion it, He called out every name of the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve: Brandon, Raheem, Selena, Ivanka. Imagine that as He was chiseling the lifeless clay, He was infusing Adam’s DNA with traces of His glory and power. He was speaking prosperity and dominion into the man’s seed not just for the time in the garden but for the time to come. I imagine that as God breathed of His holy breath into the mouth and nostrils of His workmanship that He whispered His plans into the depths of Adams soul, staining Him for all eternity. I imagine the creation of man was spectacular, just like it is today.
When we embark on a journey to assess our purpose and visions as given to us by God, we are—on a smaller scale—doing what God did. We are laboring to bring life to areas that need them while cutting off nourishment to the areas that do not. We in turn become fashioners or molders of our destiny. We breathe life into dark crevices and speak healing to dry places. We call forth the inbreathed power of glory on the inside of us and command it to come forth. As we partner with our inner glory, we may realize that we are a long way off from where we should be. We may realize that we have not lived up to our fullest potential. We may even discover that what we thought was our purpose, was actually a stepping stone to something greater.
God’s original plan for us never goes out of style. Yes, it has existed for millennia but it is every bit as relevant now as it was when He etched into the human DNA. You are designed for greatness. You are created to do more, be more than you ever thought possible. Even Christ decreed that those who love Him would do greater works than me. If the Risen Lamb, the Lord of Hosts, says that you will do greater works than He did, who are you to say otherwise? Like it or not, greatness is etched in you. You cannot deny it or get rid of it so why not embrace it? Just try it. Hindus believe the righteousness in one’s spiritual life produces success and enjoyment.
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