When I listen to them, it brings me back to the story of David. Before he was King and before he killed Goliath, David was just a boy. He was a scrawny little kid who hung out with animals in the field. He had a staff and seemed to have a knack for ticking off his older siblings. When God sent the prophet Samuel to Jesse’s house to anoint the next King of Israel, Jesse invited all of his sons to stand before the prophet—all except David. He didn’t even think about David until the prophet asked if all of the sons were present. When David came in the Lord instructed the prophet to anoint David as the next King.
It would be a long while before David would assume the responsibility of being King. He had to endure a great deal of hardship to wear the crown. Much like David’s hardships equipped him to be a stronger, wiser king, your hardships and trials can do the same. Do not begrudge the hard times you encounter in life. Do not give up or refuse to move forward because you are exasperated or angry. Frustration immobilizes faith and prevents you from pressing through the tough times. Allow yourself the chance to see your situation through. Often times, it’s only after we pass the test that we get promoted to the next level.
Can you imagine King David wallowing in filth pretending to be insane? Can you imagine him being openly hunted because God anointed him to lead a nation? David had to endure some really difficult times before he could walk in His purpose. The same held true for Joseph. It has been said that there is no dream that comes from God that will not be met with a pit of discouragement or a prison of despair.
Looking back, we see how David and Joseph’s hardships prepared each of them to operate in the fullness of God’s purpose for their lives. David was able to lead the nation because he learned to rely on God in his time of trouble. He learned to turn to God in prayer for everything. Joseph learned to be wise with his visions and not lord them over his family. He also learned humility and strategy because He turned to God for everything. Are you sensing a pattern?
When we rely on God to bring us through our hardships, it matures us. It forces us to admit how little we know and much we truly need God for everything. Sikhism teaches that believers should build a loving relationship with God.
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