Thursday, July 3, 2014

LIFE: Purpose

Finding a meaning or purpose in life is important to us, although it’s not always easy to do. Some struggle their whole lives trying to find a sense of purpose.

Discovering one’s purpose takes effort. It takes taking time to pray and discern what gifts, talents, and passion one has. Once this is done, it takes effort and action to begin walking it out.

One way to discover purpose is by serving others. Start with your family and friends. It doesn't matter a bit if you are on your way to saving the world if you are neglecting your immediate family. Spend quality time with them and educate yourself on how to be a better spouse, partner, mother, father, or friend. If you feel you have this area down pretty well, volunteer in your community. There are plenty of non-profits in your area needing help. Do the footwork.

Be aware that finding your purpose is not a one day thing. We are on a journey and we may have many "aha" moments toward living out our purpose. All we have is today and I encourage you to use this day to pray and contemplate your purpose. It's not supposed to be complicated. I could not sit and tell you every single purpose of my life, but I do know that it involves loving and helping others person by person, day by day.

You're on a path to purpose. Smile.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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