Thursday, June 26, 2014

HEALTH: Small Steps

Eat healthy foods and exercise. It sounds so simple doesn’t it? Just about everyone has the ability to do this, but yet so few follow through. It's all about choices.

Changing eating habits is a choice and a process. Gradually reduce consumption of unhealthy foods and add healthy foods. Make a list of healthy foods and each time you shop be sure you are buying items from that list. Determine to begin an exercise routine. Find someone to exercise with you, as accountability will make it easier. Walk for 30 minutes a few days a week, join a gym, or a sport. There are a lot of options and it’s well worth the effort as you’ll find yourself feeling better physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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