Thursday, January 2, 2014

WORK: Woman

Have you ever known a very productive woman? I mean someone who is a very hard worker and takes pride in her work no matter what kind of job it is. I think of Mother Teresa often and what a diligent worker she was for God. She did not care about money or status, she simply wanted to please God and love people.

Proverbs 31 teaches us that a godly woman uses her skills and talents and works vigorously. It talks of her taking care of her husband and children, even rising before the sun to begin preparations for the day. It also states that she works with her hands and sells various items to help provide for her family. 

Furthermore, it declares that she is strong and secure in her God. She takes time to strengthen her relationship with God and this directly affects her role as a wife and mother. I encourage you to read Proverbs 31 and ask God to reveal to you how you can become more of a godly woman.

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