Thursday, January 16, 2014

WORK: Who is our boss?

Not many people like to have a boss. In fact, the majority of those employed would probably much rather work for themselves and have no boss at all. Whether you have a boss or not, remember that as Christians, God is our ultimate boss. It is God we are to be serving moment by moment, day by day. Whether it be work or play, our ultimate calling is to be servants of God, keeping heavenly things in the forefront of our minds and not earthly things.

Take time each morning to connect with God and get your instructions for the day. Throughout your day be sure to spend moments in fellowship with God. If you ignored your boss at work I’m sure it would not go over well. By not taking time to connect with God, you are basically ignoring him and that makes it difficult to know what he would like for you to spend your time doing.

©2010-2014 Oracle Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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