Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It’s Not About You

Children are amazing little blessings. I find it miraculous how they even come into the world. They begin as two separate entities but upon coming together life is created. With that spark of life begins the various stages of growth, discovery and sheer wonder. Mother and father begin to set the atmosphere so that it is conducive to the arrival of the life now swirling in the womb. Their priorities shift. Their hopes and fears evolve. Personal welfare and desires take a back seat to the hope for a beautiful healthy baby. In short, this is the time when parents first discover that life isn’t really about them. It’s about making sure that our children are provided for, protected and given all they need to thrive. This is where we learn to forsake the desires of our own hearts—for a time—so that we can help fulfill the needs and wants of someone else. This is the crux of the Christian perspective.

When we are new in the faith, our focus is on ourselves. We are excited about our new found love in Christ. We are teeming with joy as we embark on a journey of discovery, awe and power. We stretch our wings and delve into the realm of prayer, worship and intercession. We exercise our faith muscles by reading the word and applying its principles to our lives. Over time, we notice a change in our spiritual landscape. We are no longer spiritually flabby or lax. We are disciplined, spiritually buff and chiseled. We look good and we feel good. The only question left to ask is now what?

Now that we have been transformed into the image and likeness of the Holy I AM what is there left for us to do? As Ambassadors of Christ the answer is simple: help someone else. Each one teaches one to reach one. It’s Christ’s discipleship principle. The bible tells us that Jesus had dozens of disciples. There were many that he taught but only a few were closest to Him. Moreover, within Christ’s twelve, there were a smaller, select few that He kept with Him at His side. The point is this: Christ shared what He knew. He shared His knowledge and His heart which equipped the people to reach out to more people. Hospitality or reaching others is one of the Nine Noble virtues in Asatruism. Connecting with others is the foundational truth of the church.

We are not to hoard our gifts, talents or spiritual insight. Divine revelation is not something that is meant to be kept hidden. Sure, there are times when God will ask you to keep it to yourself. In most cases, however, He wants you to let others know about Him. We are the mouthpiece of God in the earth. Our experiences, triumphs and hurdles are meant to be shared. So many people are waiting to hear more about how God brought us through our valley experiences—tell them!

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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