Monday, December 31, 2012

My Heart’s Cry

Wondrous, Holy God my soul pants for you. How I long to be wrapped in the splendor of heaven’s glory, of beauty’s truth. For I am like David, decreeing into the heaven that you are the one thing I desire, and the center of all I seek. Your glory’s song burns, as eternal embers in my heart, drawing me nearer to your throne. Redemption’s kiss stains my soul, drawing me deeper into your arms—into your presence. Your love is mine; and my love is only for you. I will sing of your sweetness. I will sing of your majesty. I will the song of my heart.”

We are created in the image and likeness of a Holy God. This means we are intrinsically designed for worship. In the beginning, the bible tells us that Adam and Eve walked with God—that His glory shrouded them. He knew their thoughts and they knew His heart. He talked to Him, could look at Him and could touch Him if they so chose. The first spirit-filled man and women enjoyed abundant provision, joy, and glory. Eden was perfect setting for worship and adoration; and absolutely exists today—in our soul.

The soul is comprised of the mind, will and emotions. It is the epicenter of thoughts and feelings. It is the place where we can commune with a Holy God, journey with Him and allow His provision and joy to overtake us. In that place—that Eden-esque place—we can kneel closer to throne established in our hearts. We can bow lower in reverence of heaven’s power and grace. We are God’s handiwork and we are created to worship Him in spirit and in truth just like the angels.

Then I looked, and I heard the voices of many angels around the throne, and the four living creatures, and the elders. There were thousands and thousands of angels,12 saying in a loud voice: “The Lamb who was killed is worthy to receive power, wealth, wisdom, and strength, honor, glory, and praise!" 13 Then I heard all creatures in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea saying: "To the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever." 14 The four living creatures said, "Amen," and the elders bowed down and worshiped.

The bible says that everything that has breath will praise the Lord. It says that every knee bows in reverence and every tongue confesses that Christ is indeed the Lamb of God. Worship isn’t something that we do; it’s who we are. To worship the Father is the heart cry of each of us.

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 24, 2012

It Is Well

“As the heavens through bountiful whispers proclaim the splendid works of an awesome God, so too should my life be that all who behold its miraculous wonders would know there is indeed a God in heaven.”

Life is full of roller coaster like experiences that leave you feel exhilarated one moment and completely nauseated the next. You find yourself on top of the world, beating your chest in victory and triumph. Next thing you know, you’re wallowing in the trenches trying to ascertain what went wrong. There’s a reason for the saying life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. There’s a reason the bible tells us to be strong and very courageous. To live this life, you have to be.

It’s understandable that you’re going to get knocked down. You’re going to be tossed around like a ship without a sail or worse. Just know this: God is not surprised. As a matter of fact, He’s got a plan in place. Truth be told, He had the plan in place eons ago—and by eons I mean when He first called forth light into the world. God is not finite. He sees the beginning, the end and everything in between. His capacity to conduct our lives is only surpassed by His deep-seeded love for us. The Creator of heaven and earth LOVES us. What’s more, He is not caught off guard by our circumstances. If you find yourself feeling like life’s vice grips have you by the jugular, just know that God is still moving on your behalf and the feeling will pass. When your heart and soul become weary and it seems all hope is lost, God will indeed raise up His holy banner decreeing to the adversary—and all those who stand with him—that his reign is over. God is not the kind of God that needs to back track, re-focus and then move forward. He’s the kind of God that sees the end results and preps us to handle what occurs in between. He is our rod and our staff—our edifier and our encourager. He constantly journeys with us ever careful to guide us through the wavering and often time tumultuous tides of life.

The bible says never have the righteous been forsaken. It also reminds us that the Lord is our present help. It confirms to us that even though chaos and uncertainty surround us on all sides, God promises to lead us by the still waters. He promises to restore our soul.

Looking inward to resolve your own problems or circumstance will only yield anxiety, stress and fear. Looking to Great I AM, however, will yield peace of mind, hope and joy. Why joy? Because the bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. There is joy in knowing that despite how it feels, you’re never alone because the Chief Advocate is always with you.

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 17, 2012

Crazy Christian

We live in a time where things that were once considered upright, just or simple common sense is clouded or condemned by things that are frivolous, futile and simply bass ackward. For example, did you know that in many states in this country that it’s perfectly legal for a 14-year-old to have an abortion without parental consent? Yet it’s illegal to mention the name of God in the pledge of allegiance or even in schools? Are you aware that years ago, a former CEO of a well-known company was sentenced to 3 years in prison for stealing $3 billion? At the same time, a married couple was jailed –and their 2-year-old daughter placed in foster care—for accidentally forgetting to pay for a $5 sandwich while leaving the grocery store. Clearly, there’s a problem.

These types of scenarios are very prevalent in today’s society. Decency, forgiveness and common courtesy are all but dead while religious prejudice, social injustice and deceit are rampant. Times have changed and with it comes a new kind of assault: indifference. Suffering is at an all time high. Sickness, disease and death run amuck while some of us are content to live within the four walls of our church buildings. We are content with the occasional outreach for the underprivileged or the once-in-a-blue-moon canned food drive for the homeless. We savor the self-centered ideology that continually perpetuates the nauseating notion that THIS is what Christ died for. Not so. The Lord says, "My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Your ways are not like my ways. 9 Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55-8-9

Here’s what God says we should do:

Free the people you have put in prison unfairly and undo their chains. Free those to whom you are unfair and stop their hard labor. Share your food with the hungry and bring poor, homeless people into your own homes. When you see someone who has no clothes, give him yours, and don't refuse to help your own relatives. Isaiah 58: 6-7

The scripture makes it quite clear what His body should be accomplishing in the land. We are the arms, legs, feet and face of Christ in the earth—our deeds should reflect that. We ARE Christ’s bride. We ARE His body. We will respond accordingly. We serve a God who has unlimited resources. Money is no object. If God be for us, none can stand against us. If we are doing the will of the Father in the land, there is NO good thing He will withhold from us. We have the backing of the El Shaddai, the Lord of Hosts, and the Supreme Creator, shouldn’t we be crazy enough to believe that we can and will do all things through Christ who gives us strength? I’m a crazy Christian. Are you?

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 10, 2012

Condemned No More

One of the most comforting passages in the bible is definitely Romans 8:1-4 which states Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. 3 For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

There is NO condemnation to those who are in Christ. This means every time your adversary rushes in to flood your heart with guilt because of past sin, you can rebuke him. It means for every time you opt to do the wrong thing instead of the right thing, you can repent knowing that the charges against you have been dismissed. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, you have been freed from the law of sin and death. What a powerful concept!

For far too many people, condemnation is a powerful reality. The same way stress or anxiety wrecks havoc on the mind and the body, is the same way condemnation damages the spirit and the soul. If allowed to fester, condemnation can escalate into thoughts of suicide, sickness, anger, rage, bitterness, depression and self-contempt. It can constrict the mind—as a vice grip does an object—bringing with it wave after wave of deep-seeded pain and crippling isolation which can be very difficult to escape. But all things are possible to him who believes.

Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross nullifies the power of condemnation. Because He was in the likeness of sinful flesh and was an offering for sin, Christ’s death means that sin was and is defeated. The bible tells us that he made an open spectacle of the adversary as he reclaimed power and victory over sin, death and condemnation. His death settled the dispute. His resurrection reinforced His victory; decreeing once and for all that those who believe in Him are no longer subject to condemnation’s sting.

You no longer have to feel ashamed for your past. You no longer have to hang your head in shame because of what you’ve done. Christ’s blood—has and will always—cleanses the inner places of your soul. The blood He shed is powerful enough to free those in captivity—be it emotional or spiritual. Purpose in your mind to live surrendered to the things of the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to guide you in your deeds and thoughts. For scripture says that if we fulfill the things of the spirit, then we will be lead by the spirit. Do not live according to your sinful self, instead live uprightly and give no leeway to condemnation.

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Buck Stops with You

Ever know people who like to pass the buck of responsibility onto the next person simply because they feel they have a right too? They chronically expect others to carry the brunt of their responsibilities. They’re selfish, self-seeking and prone to tantrums should someone insist they conduct themselves like responsible human beings. They are routinely ill-mannered and immature.

However, all things must come to an end.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child. -

Much like everything else in the history of creation, human beings have stages or seasons of development. When babies are born, there’s very little they can do on their own—and that’s okay. No one expects a 2-month-old child to be able to pick up their toys or clean their room. No one expects a 7-year-old to grill hot dogs on an open flame or drive us to the store when we are tired. Why? Because they’re not developmentally mature or experienced enough to handle those tasks. However, as they grow older, their capacity to do more increases with them. The same is true with people.

Some people are used to passing the buck because they have not yet matured. This was the case with the children of Israel. On many occasions, God’s people routinely exhibited signs of immaturity, selfish ambitions and rebellion. Remember when Moses was on Mount Sinai? The people grew tired of waiting for Moses to return from the mountain and built animal statues made from gold. They worshipped those false gods and engaged in unholy behaviors before God. How about when Moses’ sister and brother (Miriam and Aaron) challenged Moses’ authority because of their own selfish-ambitions?

The bible says that when we are young, we act like we are young. However, when we are older—more mature—we should conduct ourselves accordingly. Can you imagine an adult in a business suit sitting in a highchair eating from a jar of Gerber’s baby food? Of course not; the person would look absolutely ridiculous. The same holds true for the believer who refuses to grow up. Refusing to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, who lives inside each of us, will yield foolish decisions and carnal-centered behaviors. It will cause us to operate in a manner that is contrary to God’s will for our lives. When this occurs, we decline to accept responsibility for ourselves. Instead, we cast blame on others and justify our actions.

God desires that we would prosper even as our soul prospers. In order for our soul to prosper, we have to recognize our faults. We have to accept our short comings, own our mistakes and take steps to correct them. We have to allow the word of God to renew our minds. We have to allow the Spirit of God to rebuild our hearts. We have to allow the truth of God to be a lamp onto our feet. This is the chosen path for every believer. Buddhists similarly have a “path to enlightenment,” which causes them to examine themselves.

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 12, 2012

Wisdom Speaks

If you will turn (repent) and give heed to my reproof, I [Wisdom] will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make my words known to you. – Proverbs 1:23

According the above passage, if we hope to operate in wisdom we must first do a few things. The first thing we should do is repent. To repent means to turn away from; forsake something, or to turn and go in the opposite direction. It simply means to do an about face. When a person repents, he or she admits two things: 1) they are wrong and 2) they’re not going to continue to operate in the wrong. Repentance means we acknowledge that our actions have displeased God and we are making a commitment to forsake those actions. Scripture tells us there is none righteous, not one, for all fall short of the glory of God. We all make mistakes. We all stumble and fall. Repentance allows us to come to the throne of grace, concede our mistakes and turn away from them.

The next thing we should do if we hope to operate in wisdom is to listen to correction. For many of us, correction or chastisement is seen as a negative or unpleasant occurrence. We tend to view it as condescending, embarrassing and sometimes downright rude. However, the bible tells us that God only corrects those whom He loves. It’s God’s way of helping us identify when we are headed in a direction that may hurt or frustrate us. In order to heed my reproof, we must do two things: 1) let go of pride and 2) listen and apply the correction.

Scripture tells us that pride comes before a fall but few us really give it any thought. When pride is present, its cousin’s rebellion and deception are never far behind. Pride elevates us placing us on seemingly equal footing with the Triune God, the Great I AM. Lucifer operated in pride. So did Cain. So did Ahab. Are you seeing a pattern? Pride deceives us into thinking we know best and can therefore call our own shots—make our own plays. It didn’t work out so well for Lucifer, Cain or Ahab—it won’t work for you either.

What good is getting a warning about impending danger if you choose to ignore it? Correction often times is a warning to our inner man. It calls us on the carpet about some things and implores us to stop and alter course. When correction comes, it sounds the alarm alerting us to the presence of an outside threat: pride, rebellion and deception.

When we as believers learn to repent and accept (or apply) correction in our lives, then the Holy Spirit will release wisdom. He will breathe wisdom into the nostrils of our souls, revealing the plans and desires of the Father for each of our lives. He will speak to us, in divine whispers, empowering our psyche—renewing our heart. Divine wisdom will over take us and we will be renewed.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

HEALTH: Depression

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 9% of Americans are currently diagnosed as clinically depressed.  That is over 20 million people who are having a hard time functioning daily because they are so depressed.

Though there are many effective treatments available for those suffering from depression, there is one treatment that I believe is overlooked:  God’s word.

God tells us that we are to base our life on the truth of his word, not our feelings. (Philippians 4:1)  He also tells us to consider it all joy when we find ourselves in trials. (James 1:2)  Trust what God says and not your feelings.  Ask God to help you get to the underlying cause of your depression and ask for solutions.  Perhaps you are not seeing your life from God’s perspective or are consumed by self and not God’s will for your life.  Fight the good fight of faith and don’t allow depression to control you.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 19, 2012

Touching Heaven

Touching Heaven

Did you know that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective? Did you know that prayer with hope and expectation of an answer can move the heart of God? One of the most important tenets of the Christian faith is prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that believers can use to not only commune with God, but to rouse God to act on our behalf. Our prayers coupled with faith, stir God and cause Him to step down from His holy throne and inhabit our situation or circumstance. Our prayers are like sweet melodies that kiss the Creator’s heart allowing compassion, mercy and the miraculous to emanate from Him. It causes his sublime love of humanity, of His children, to flow from His eternal well of glory and life. Unlike wells on the earth, God’s well never runs dry. It’s never contaminated and it’s always sweet and refreshing to the soul.

When we pray to the Omnipotent God in heaven, with expectation, we invite Him to act on our behalf. We extend our arms and surrender our will. We lift our voices and hand over the reins of our lives as we whisper into the atmosphere not my will, but yours be done.

Throughout scripture, we know of many instances where prayer has swayed the heart of God to move on behalf of His children. Remember the story of Moses when he was with God on Mount Sinai? While Moses was on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments, the people became restless. In turn, they melted all of their gold and made statues of calves and began to worship them. The same people who just walked through a parted Red Sea, because of God’s faithfulness, where now worshipping statues! 

Moses interceded for the people. He knew God loved His people even though He was angry. God was ready to unleash his wrath against a people that He deemed stiff-necked and rebellious. God’s mind was made up but Moses pursued God in prayer. He asked God to change His mind about destroying the people and God did!

Moses communed with God face to face. Believers today commune with God spirit to spirit. The same way Moses’ petitions reached into the heart of God causing Him to move on behalf of those He loves, is the same way our prayers can touch heaven. Our prayers have the capacity to cause God to move in our favor.

This poor man cried out to the Lord and he heard my cry and delivered me from trouble.

The Master of Creation, the lover of our souls, wants us to cry out to Him in our time of trouble. The bible says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.  Muslims also believe prayers can touch heaven and move obstacles. Are you looking to touch heaven? Are you looking to experience a move of God in your life? Start with prayer; it changes everything.

Friday, October 12, 2012

HEALTH: Do it for yourself

Exercise is important for optimal health, but if we are solely exercising to “look good” for others, then God would consider that to be vain.  First Timothy 4:8 states that, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

Timothy is not saying that we don’t need to exercise because we do.  What he is saying is that godliness is more important than exercising and to be off balance is not God’s will.  We ought to be putting forth effort in being fit physically and spiritually. 

Spending time exercising as well as connecting with God are both beneficial to our overall well-being. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 4, 2012

WORK: Confidence

You may meet resistance when working toward achieving your goals.  You may want to consider a strategic retreat on your journey.  This does not meant that your retreat in surrender, but that you take time to evaluate your options and regain resources. 

By taking some time to pray and gauge your options, you will gain wisdom and strength for your return.  Be confident in yourself and your God. You will get the victory and achieve your goals in due time. (I ching)

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 27, 2012

MARRIAGE: The Institution

Have your ever thought that perhaps marriage is an institution that helps us to become more like God?  We can learn about things like unconditional love, forgiveness, character defects, growth, servant hood, humility, strength, and so much more.  By serving our spouse, no matter what, we learn to be more like God. 

You are not responsible for your spouse’s actions, but you certainly are responsible for your own.  Make choices that please God and bring honor to him.  Your marriage can shine bright and radiate the love of God if you will simply follow God’s plan laid out in his word.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 20, 2012

HEALTH: Reduce risks

According to the Center for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, people who exercise regularly throughout the week reduce the risk of developing symptoms of the leading causes of illness and death in the U.S. such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Combine that with eating a healthier diet and risks are reduced even further.  Why does exercising and eating healthy give people such a hard time?  Why can’t people commit to a healthier lifestyle? 

It’s easier to not exercise.  It’s easier to eat whatever we want.  We live in a culture that wants instantaneous gratification and is not always willing to pay the price for good health. Nothing of value comes cheap though.  The Bible tells us to take good care of our bodies and it does so for good reason.  No one wants to be sick or develop a condition or disease.  If God tells in his word that eating healthy and exercising are good for our well-being, then we ought to take this serious and begin making changes today toward a healthier lifestyle.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blessing/Prayer requests

Blessing/Prayer requests are accepted any time via email @

©2010-2013 Oracle Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts (a 501(c)(3) organization). All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

HEALTH: Principles

Some churches are taking serious the Bible’s directive to treat our bodies as God’s temple and are merging faith and fitness together.  Churches have begun to teach healthy living principles from the pulpit as well as offer fitness groups, weight loss classes, and Bible study groups on fitness topics.

There are even some that are adding gyms onto their buildings so that members of their community can come and play sports and exercise.  This provides people with a great opportunity to learn about how to live a healthy life as well as partner with others in their endeavors.  Accountability and partnering together make it easier to make the necessary changes toward a healthier lifestyle. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 23, 2012

WORK: Negativity

It is time that you began weeding out the things that hold you back in life.  Just as weeds will overtake a garden, negativity and things that stifle you will overtake your dreams. Be sure to get to the root of what holds you back and make a plan to move forward.

Be strong and rely on your inner source.  God will help you and orchestrate all that needs to happen.  Fight against the urge to give up or slow down.  Day by day, see your dreams fulfilled in your mind and feel the excitement.  Don’t allow the weeds to rule you any longer. (I ching reading)

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 16, 2012


God separated humans from the animals by giving mankind brains to think for them. The distinguishing factor is the ability to think for one and make smart decisions. Everyone has their own perception, and their own rationale for their actions. Everyone has had different experiences in this world. The wise are those who have used those experiences and learnt their lessons from them. The fools are those who let their judgments be clouded by their own bias.

“Speak not into the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words” clearly states what is obvious in this world. The people who choose to remain oblivious of the truth will not listen even if you whisper in their ears. They will choose to ignore it and remain in bliss of ignorance. Therefore, do not close your minds to what may be the truth, listen and see around, and then keep an open mind to the world around you, for you may have once been a fool yourself.
©2010-2012 Oracle Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 9, 2012

WORK: Career path

If you are wondering if you are in the career that God has called you to fulfill, you will know by your passion.  Do you look forward to going to work?  Do you feel productive?  If you are not passionate or dread going to work, perhaps you are not doing what God would like you to do.

 Take some time to evaluate your options.  Do you have to stay in your current job?  Perhaps you may for a season, but not necessarily forever.  Ask God to lead you to a career path that you would love and that you’ve got gifts and talents for.  You have every right to change careers if you are not satisfied with your current one.  Just do it.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 2, 2012

MARRIAGE: The power of prayer

If you want a strong marriage then you would benefit from learning about the power of prayer.  Couples that pray together tend to keep God at the center of their marriage and act as partners with him.  Problems can be taken to God and each partner can be held accountable for their part in possible solutions. 

It takes humility to pray together before God as a couple.  God will honor your humble hearts as you agree in prayer.  Jesus said if two people agree in prayer, God would hear and answer their prayer according to his will.  (Matthew 18:19-20)  Sit down with your spouse and discuss when and how often you’d like to gather together to pray.  Make a commitment to follow through with what you decide.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 26, 2012

HEALTH: Start early

Oftentimes people wait until it’s too late to begin eating healthy and taking care of their bodies.  Perhaps they go to the doctor and are told they have a serious condition or high blood pressure, or are obese and it is affecting their health.  It is always hard to hear such news, but it also can motivate people to begin making lifestyle changes at that time. 

Little by little, step by step, we can make changes that can help prevent sickness and disease.  Drinking more water, eating healthier foods, and exercising more are all things that will benefit your health. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 19, 2012

LIFE: Get inspired.

As creatures of habit, we can get trapped in a “think/belief rut” as I like to call it.  What this means is that we can get in the habit of allowing negative thinking to dominate us and as a result, we sink lower and lower into disappointment and frustration.

One way to replace the negative with positive is to read and/or listen to encouraging literature.  Our nation has multitudes of self-help, inspirational, and motivational books, videos, and audios so finding resources is easy.  I assure you that listening to positive information over and over can help you change your thinking from negative to positive and give you hope.  I like to find a variety of inspiring quotes, print them out, post them around my house, and memorize them.  This helps me to redefine my mind and not allow negativity to camp out.   

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 12, 2012

MARRIAGE: Encouragement

I bet you know who to go to when you need encouraged.  There are usually certain people in our lives that we know will encourage and admonish us when we are facing depression or discouragement. 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 states that we ought to encourage one another and build one another up.  This is especially important in marriages.  Can your spouse come to you for encouragement when he/she is down or hurting?  Or are you the type that will point out that they are simply complaining.  God wants us to encourage our spouses, even if we don’t feel like it.  If you think your spouse is simply complaining, take it to prayer and ask God to reveal this to him/her.  Let your spouse know that you are behind him/her and will take time to pray.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 5, 2012

WORK: Don’t stress

No need for anxiety.  You will have great progress and success at work, perhaps even advancement.   It may take longer than you want, but trust that success is guaranteed. Continue taking steps and action toward your goals as this keeps the momentum going in your favor.

Be teachable, submissive, and receptive. Do what is right and be firm and correct in your attitude and behavior.  Success and fortune will come. Only believe. (I ching reading)

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 28, 2012

HEALTH: Exercise

Exercise is good for your body and mind, and especially good for your heart.  Aerobic exercise is wonderful for your cardiovascular system as it strengthens your heart.

Just as walking with God benefits our spiritual heart, walking for exercise strengthens our natural body.  Walking is considered one of the best ways to exercise and is very easy to do.

You can walk just about anywhere for exercise.  In your neighborhood, at the gym, walking trails, even the mall.  I see people walking in the mall for exercise all the time. 
Commit to going for short walks to begin with and ask a friend to join you.  You will feel refreshed and renewed afterwards and be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 21, 2012

LIFE: Make a gratitude list

I’ve heard that what we focus on, we empower and enlarge so if we find ourselves being negative, we actually invite more things in our lives that will attract negative thoughts and feelings.  Negativity tends to distort our reality and oftentimes we find ourselves thinking irrationally.  I mean, really, how many times have we told ourselves, “This is so terrible and I can’t handle it!” but in reality, we could and did handle it and it wasn’t “so bad” after all”.  

Reality tells us that life isn’t normally quite as terrible as we think. To become more positive, I encourage you to sit down and make a gratitude list.  List the things you are grateful for in your life whether it be attributes, people, relationships, material things, etc.  Everyone has at least one thing to be grateful for. Making a gratitude list and looking at it frequently will help you to focus on the positive things in your life.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 14, 2012

You Have a Friend in Me

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. – John 15:15

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends – John 15:13 Some years ago, I found myself at a painful crossroads when I had to choose between what my heart said it wanted and what my spiritual power said He wanted me to have. Because I wanted to do things my way, I often looked for just about anything that would “confirm” that my way was indeed a better option. I searched for confirmation in commercials, random song selections on my iPod and even junk mail or promos. You name it, I searched it. At that point, I was desperate to find anything that I could wave at my spiritual power and say see, I knew I was right!

Eventually, I conceded that I was wrong and I endeavored to ask the Holy Spirit to align my desires with the Father’s. That’s when things started to go downhill. Suddenly, I found myself without my long-time best friend. I was deeply bruised and wounded. I felt alone, angry and confused. How could this be the will of God for me? Was I not a friend of God?

One of the most beautiful truths in the bible is no greater love is there than for one to lay down his life for a friend. You’ve heard the phrase “friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” Well, your higher power doesn’t let His friends walk in ignorance. He doesn’t let His friends walk across tight ropes in life without providing a safety net. He may allow us to steer ourselves when we insist on it but once we give Him permission to take the reins; He begins to reveal to us the things we could never see on our own.

While I initially felt devastated, abandoned and angry, in hindsight I realized the loss of my former friend opened my eyes to the many things I overlooked or refused to see. As I grieved, my spiritual power, tended to my wounds, cleansed my heart and refreshed the thirsty wells of my soul. They stayed with me and guarded me just like real friends are supposed to.

We have a friend in God or your spiritual power. Before any of us really knew Him, he agreed to lay down His life so that our relationship with the Father could be fully restored and reconciled. He paid the ultimate sacrifice—with his flesh and blood—so that we would not have to. He constantly stands before the Tribunal interceding on our behalf. Having your spiritual power as a friend is like winning the lottery, only to discover you didn’t even pay for the ticket!

Love for us supersedes what we think we know about friendship.

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 7, 2012

WORK: Impress your boss

Do you want a promotion?  Good references?  Peace at work?  Then perhaps you ought to think about ways to impress your boss.  Management likes it when their employees kick it up a notch and not only take their job serious, but partner with their co-workers and boss to increase productivity. 

Colossians says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Ask God to help you come up with ways to go the extra mile at work.  You might want to come in early or stay late. Come up with ways to boost productivity or decrease expenses.  Ask for extra work or volunteer to do what no one else wants to do. There are a various things you can do to be noticed.  By doing so, your boss will be impressed and that is always helpful at promotion time. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 24, 2012

LIFE: Neglecting God

Sometimes it’s easy to neglect God and let self rule.  Eventually though, when self rules for a period of time, we usually end up face down in the dirt, crying, frustrated, and ready to give up.

When this happens to me, I know deep within I want to please God so I get back up and begin again.  I commit to live my life loving God and others and taking steps to fulfill God's plan for me. I've done my fair share of what I want to do to please myself in this life, but my deepest intention is to please God.  My deepest desire is to enjoy God and God's gift of life, as well as share awesome love with others.

Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many plans are in ones mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for that one that will stand."

I believe God's purposes for me will stand as I walk in love and humility and seek to live a life that adds value to others.  I will not fear.  God's Spirit lives in me! How awesome is that!

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 17, 2012

HEALTH: Don't worry

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Worried sick”?  Worry is a type of stress that has negative affects on our minds and bodies, and can in fact, make us sick.  Worry robs people of peace and joy.  It is a bondage that holds them in darkness and not only affects them, but those around them. 

Jesus told his disciples not to worry. He asks them, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. (Matthew 6:27-29 NLT)

A lot of time can be wasted worrying and nothing much gets accomplished.  If you continue to worry, you are not trusting God.
Take your problems to God in prayer and ask him to help you be at peace and give you possible solutions. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 13, 2012

WORK: Ants are wise

Don’t be surprised if you go to God asking for wisdom regarding fiancés and productivity and he tells you to learn about ants.  In Proverbs 6 God states, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man."

Laziness can become a habit but it is a habit that can be broken.  You have been given gifts and talents but those are not going to amount to anything unless you develop and act upon them.  If you need help, ask around to see if someone will sit down with you and help you formulate a plan for success.  It will take hard work and diligence, but it will be worth it.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MARRIAGE: Little things matter most

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a relationship soar to a blissful state.  Life gets busy with work and kids and oftentimes our relationship gets neglected.  It doesn’t require a lot of time to put some romance and fun back into a relationship, but it does take commitment and a little creativity.

Here are some ideas that are sure to show your spouse that you not only love him/her, but that he/she is on your mind throughout the day. 

Make your spouse a cup of coffee in the morning and bring it to him/her in the bed.
Slip a love note into his/her car at night so they will see it in the morning.
Book a night away for just the two of you, for a romantic evening.
Have flowers delivered at work.
Buy a little gift and set it on the bed.
Write positive qualities about your spouse and give it to them.
Rent a movie for just the two of you to watch. 
Cook his/her favorite dinner.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 26, 2012

LIFE: Be humble

Humility is an important virtue that oftentimes gets overlooked.  Humility means putting others ahead of you.  It means having a lower opinion of yourself and willingly submitting to God and others. 

In a world where selfishness seems to prevail, humility is necessary for peace to prevail in our society.  Jesus thought humility very important as he states in the book of Matthew, “But the greatest among you shall be your servant.  And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”
 (Matthew 23:11-12)

Are you putting others before you or are you looking out for number one?  Ask God to show you how humble you really are and make a decision to walk humbly before God and others. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MARRIAGE: Endurance

If it is endurance you want, you must begin to train.  Just as athletes are diligent to train for a race, so we ought to be diligent to train to be successful in our marriages.  Knowing our purpose in marriage is to honor God and our mate, we are motivated to do what it takes to develop perseverance.

Stay active through movement.  Stagnation kills. 

©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 12, 2012

HEALTH: Physical health

God wants us to be successful spiritually, physically, and emotionally.  Our bodies are God’s temple and it is important for us to take care of our bodies.  We find in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of God dwells in us, and we are therefore to honor God with our bodies. 

How do we do that?  By first, finding out what God requires of us regarding physical health.  God’s word is a roadmap to health and if we want optimal health, it is important to read and follow God’s instructions.  God is willing to help us honor him with our physical body.  All we need to do is ask and put forth effort at following his guidelines for optimal health and happiness.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 5, 2012

WORK: Do your best

No matter what your occupation is, it is important to perform it with a great attitude and do your very best.  Even if you don’t like our job, your co-workers, or your boss, your attitude reflects what is inside you.  Are love, peace, and joy inside you?  Or grumbling, anger, and hate? 

I’ve had jobs where most of my co-workers simply complain the whole shift.  If you are not careful you may find yourself beginning to join them.  Be strong and ask God to be a light in your workplace.  Ecclesiastes 9:10 admonishes us to do our work with all of our might and Colossians 3:23 states that we should work hard and cheerfully at all we do, just as we were working for God and not simply our bosses. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 29, 2012

LIFE: Realize tough times and pain can help us to grow.

I like the quote, “The pain passes, but the beauty remains” by Pierre-Auguste Renoir.  He tells us that the pain that we encounter in life does not have to be a lost cause.  No one likes to go through tough, painful times but it is inevitable along our journeys.  As painful as certain seasons or situations in life can be, we tend to gain some invaluable insights, lessons, strength, and humility during those times.  

Think back to a tough time in your life and remember the lessons you learned while persevering through it.  Take note of the positive traits, lessons, or relationships that came as a result.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 22, 2012

WORK: Work doesn’t always bring monetary gain

In order for God to be glorified, one does not have to work in a sacred profession.  God can be glorified whether you are a plumber, clerk, or CEO.  Jesus was a carpenter.  He used his talents to build things for people.  Jesus was also a prophet.  He had a secular and sacred profession and he glorified God in both. 

In John 17:4-5 he told god that he had glorified him and finished all the work that he had given him.  Jesus was concerned about doing what his father wanted him to do. He delighted in pleasing his father, whether it be building a table or teaching in the Synagogue.

We can learn from Jesus.  God has laid out a plan for us and it is up to us to fulfill it.  As we do, we glorify him and he is pleased.  How do we know what his plan is?  Pray and ask him.  Be led by his spirit. Take time to get to know God’s voice. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 15, 2012

MARRIAGE: Intimacy

Intimacy is a spiritual, emotional, and physical giving of oneself to another and it is a beautiful thing.  God created us with a desire to be intimate and we long to share intimacy with another. God loves intimacy as well and longs for an intimate relationship with us.  Sharing a deep closeness and love with another is so rewarding.

As we share intimate time with our spouse, we are allowing God’s love to flow through us into each other.  It is an amazing experience and the depth of intimacy can grow to great heights as we commit to fostering intimacy.  Devote time to develop a greater intimacy with God as well as your spouse and take time daily to nurture your relationships.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 1, 2012

LIFE: Practice meditation/enjoy nature

God sure did create an amazingly beautiful earth.  I encourage you to get out into nature and enjoy the beauty and serenity found in creation.  Breathe deeply and enjoy a time of rest from everything.  Learn the art of meditation and prayer.  Life can get so busy and our minds seem to always be churning with a hundred thoughts at once. 

It is important to take time daily, even if just for a few moments, to go to a quiet location and quiet yourself.  Take a walk in the woods or sit outside on your deck.  Take a vacation to the beach or wherever you can find peace and nature.  Meditation, silence and prayer are all ways to refresh your spirit and to become a more pleasant, positive person.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 23, 2012

WORK: Rest from your work

God created the earth and all its inhabitants in six days.  History tells us that on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  (Genesis 2:3) Work is important, but rest is also important.  In our busy culture, it is easy to get in the “rat race” and spend enormous amounts of time working, taking care of the kids and the house.  Stress and burn out is becoming more and more common. 

What does God say about this?  Rest.  Take some time and simply relax and be refreshed.  God rested on the seventh day and he commanded the Israelites to do the same.  Jesus told those who were weary to come to him and he would give them rest.  Take a day off, take a vacation, go to the spa, or do something that you find relaxing.  You will find yourself not only renewed but also closer to your creator.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 16, 2012


God has a divine plan for optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  Through Scripture, prayer, good nutrition, and modern medicine, we can walk in health, strength, and joy.

The Bible says God made all of our delicate, inner parts of our body and knit us together in our mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)  God created our bodies with organs and systems that work in perfect order.  Ask God to help you live a healthy lifestyle and understand the healing power of God.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 9, 2012


There will be times in your marriage when you will get weary and perhaps think that you don’t feel the same way about your spouse as you used to.  I encourage you to take this to God as he will teach you how to deal with this struggle. 

Just as those crossing a strong river will get tired, yet will persevere and indeed get to the other side, so can you get through weariness, disappointment, boredom, or whatever else comes against your marriage. Be strong for their will be progress and success. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 2, 2012

LIFE: Use positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are simply positive sentences about yourself and your life and they help develop a positive attitude!  Take time daily to speak positive affirmations such as, “I am confident, beautiful, positive, happy, blessed, healthy, etc.” I have printed out various affirmations and taped them to my bathroom mirror so that I can see them and speak them frequently.  You become your thoughts and what you speak so make sure you are thinking and speaking positive things!

I encourage you to take some time to listen to your internal dialogue.  Are you thinking more negative or positive?  You can train yourself to think more positively but it does take practice and persistence but is well worth the effort.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 26, 2012

WORK: Who is our boss?

Not many people like to have a boss.  In fact, the majority of those employed would probably much rather work for themselves and have no boss at all.  Whether you have a boss or not, remember that as Christians, God is our ultimate boss.  It is God we are to be serving moment by moment, day by day.  Whether it be work or play, our ultimate calling is to be servants of God, keeping heavenly things in the forefront of our minds and not earthly things. 

Take time each morning to connect with God and get your instructions for the day.  Throughout your day be sure to spend moments in fellowship with God.  If you ignored your boss at work I’m sure it would not go over well.  By not taking time to connect with God, you are basically ignoring him and that makes it difficult to know what he would like for you to spend your time doing. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 19, 2012

HEALTH: As we think, we are

Proverbs 23:7 states that as we think, we are.  The thoughts that we think about ourselves are exactly who we are.  Who we are today is a product of the thoughts we’ve thought of all the years before today. 

How do you see yourself physically?  Strong, healthy, vibrant?  Sick, tired, and apathetic?  Your thoughts and perspective can help you or hurt you.  If you struggle with negative thinking patterns, it’s time to change that.  It’s time to begin thinking positive thoughts about you and everything about you.  I encourage you to envision yourself healthy, strong, happy, and vibrant.  No matter what your situation is or how you are feeling, visualize you at optimum level.  Also, use positive affirmations such as, “I am strong.  I am healthy. I eat healthy.  I am confident, successful, and happy.  I can do anything through Christ, who strengthens me.” 

Before long, you will notice that you will change the way you feel and see yourself.  You are not your thoughts, but your thoughts greatly influence your perception of yourself. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 12, 2012

MARRIAGE: Don’t stop dating

Remember when you first met your spouse and all the dates you went on?  Remember how you would take your time in getting ready, making sure your appearance and clothing were just right?  I’m sure you have wonderful and warm memories of your dates.

Don’t let the dates stop just because you are married.  Dates are a time where you and your spouse can spend quality time together and simply delight in each other.  There are many date ideas you can choose from. Go to the movies. Go out to dinner. Pack a lunch or dinner and go to a peaceful place to eat.  Go roller or ice skating.  Go out on the town and stay at a hotel for the night.  Take a dance class together.  Be creative and have some fun and watch your marriage soar to new heights.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved