Friday, September 11, 2015

More Please

Show me your glory. – Exodus 33:18
In this passage, Moses makes his request known to God: I want to see your glory. In modern day terms it may sound like this: “God, show me your radiance. I want to see you flex your biceps. Let me see the S on your chest. I want to see your preeminence. Your heart-stopping, ground-shaking extraspectacularness. Forget the money or the power. I can live without those but I cannot live with you. I want more God, please. I’d like to see more of your glory.” – Max Lucado

Moses got it. He understood that everything in existence pales in comparison to the glory of God. He had been with God on the Mount Sinai. He radiated God’s glory so much so that the bible says Moses’ face shone brightly. Even the children of Israel were initially afraid of Moses because the glory of God rested on him. Despite having spent quality time with God, Moses wanted more. It is one thing to feel God’s glory. It is another thing entirely to see it with your own eyes.

Remember the first time you saw a rainbow or watched a sunset that seemed to radiate every color known to man? If you were like me then your heart almost leaped from your chest. Nature’s most pristine wonders filled you with deep awe and gratitude. In that moment, you forget about the bills that need to be paid or the worries that swam in your head. The Master’s workmanship takes center stage as everything else wanes in the distance. Your soul sighs contentedly.

Moses developed a relationship with the Father. They talked often and God revealed His plans for the people. But somewhere along the line, Moses’ soul ached for God in a manner he could not contain. Somewhere inside of him, he longed to experience God in a way that would change Him forever. He yearned for an intimate encounter with the Master of Beauty. He hankered for the glory of the One who loved Him. He was not concerned about the people he shepherded. He was not focused on ministry, answered prayers or the receipt of blessings. Moses longed for the full glory of the Father.

It is said that when we yearn for and request to see the glory of God that we cross a threshold. In that place, self-centeredness dies and true dependence on Christ is born. It becomes less about our own wants and more about the Father. We want to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. We, like the deer, pant for the manifest glory of God. Our soul aches to behold His splendor and majesty. Our heart thirsts to sing praises of adoration at the mention of His name as indicated in the Torah. Because Moses dared to ask, God answered. There is an upside to being bold and very courageous. If you can dare to ask God for it, God is often inclined to answer.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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