We know that the bible is the inspired word of God. It is God’s divine inspiration imparted to man so that the word of God could be learned, heard and understood. The bible is not comprised of stories, folktales or myths. It is an actual account of various events that have occurred throughout history. Nothing was written by happenstance nor is it a coincidence.
When I first read the phrase you shall not shout or make any noise with your voice nor shall a word proceed out of your mouth, my curiosity was piqued. At first glance, it appears as though Joshua is giving the same command three times. Clearly, the writer made a mistake, right? No one walks around saying I want quiet. I don’t want to hear a sound. Not even with your mouth. Many of us would find it strange. However, upon closer examination we understand that was not the case.
In earlier chapters in Joshua, we see the children of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years most likely due to their incessant murmuring, complaining and doubt of God’s provision and power. Little did the Israelites realize that the negative words they spoke brought death and destruction to their lives. The bible tells us life and death is in the power of the tongue. In other words, what you say has the power to give life or inflict death. For this reason, Joshua issued his command. He knew that negative emotional outbursts, outward displays of discontent or unconstructive vocal opinions would cause one thing to happen: the will of God to be thwarted. He would not allow this to happen.
Could you imagine walking up to the massive, heavily guarded wall of Jericho with little more than the Ark of the Covenant, a few psalmists and worshippers? I’m pretty sure a fear-laden gasp or two might have been in order. You might have even wanted to let out an anxious sigh or moan. Maybe you might have whispered “Lord, what has Joshua gotten us into now?” All are normal, human reactions. The circumstances, however, required nothing less than the fullness of God’s power. In order to receive that, doubt could not fester nor could it be present. Why? Without faith it is impossible to please God. One of the tenets of Judaism is faith in God.
Joshua commanded the people to keep silent because he understood that when life hands you some of your greatest challenges, speaking unbelief is a sure fire way to bring defeat, powerlessness and death. Joshua could not control what the people saw or heard in Jericho but he could help them exercise restraint with speaking doubt. His command helped the people remain focused on what God could do rather than what they could not.
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