A: anchor in Jesus
I: grab you some inspiration
T: give God time to move
-by Bishop Alfred Owens
I’d come to the end of my rope. For months, I’d been praying, fasting and listening to the Holy Spirit speak to me of His promises. I listened intently and I even wrote it in my journal. I was aglow with excitement and anticipation of the fulfillment of God’s spoken promises. That was a year ago. The promises had not materialized nor had the word come to fruition. At first, I was annoyed, then I was angry and then I felt rejected. God made me a promise that didn’t come to pass. Did that make God a liar? For God is not a man that he should lie. Did that mean He no longer loved me? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. Was He really rejecting me? Never have the righteous been forsaken. Since none of these were true, you might be asking yourself: what’s the hold up?
God’s timing is vastly different from our own. When we pray and God speaks to us, we expect to see the manifestation of that spoken word instantly. I liken them to microwaveable prayers. You pop in the item, set the timer and when the buzzer goes off, you expect to have something fully cooked, warmed and ready to eat. In other words, when you speak your prayers, we expect to have something fully actualized, ready to go, in the time frame that we set. Fortunately for us, God is a wise God.
Did you know that if you remove a caterpillar from its cocoon during its transformation into a butterfly that it will die? Likewise, if you plant seeds or bulbs out of season, they will probably never bloom. They may never grow. The bible tells us that for there is a season for everything. You may have seasons where every promise is fulfilled and you may have seasons where you’re confidently waiting for those promises to manifest. No matter which season you’re in, God is actively causing all things to work together for your good.
If you haven’t seen God’s promises in your life come to fruition, give Him time to move. The same way God created the planets to revolve around the sun is the same way He orchestrates His promises—they manifest in His timing. Druids believe that praying at specific times throughout the year, unleashes power. They are particularly fond of the Winter Solstice. Your prayers will release power in your life.
Believers know that prayer changes everything. The bible says that our prayers are powerful and effective. If you have prayed, wait on God. Do not be discouraged or dismayed. Do not give up. You will surely reap the harvest if you do not faint. Remember, God’s timing is not like our timing. He may not come when you want Him too, but He’s always there when you need Him.
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