I imagine this principle was just what enabled King David to be the master strategist and warrior that he was. King David was smaller than his brothers but he was fierce. When he went into battle, he had the ability to slay thousands and thousands of those in his enemy’s camp—all by himself. He was a living, breathing epistle of the passage above. Why? Because David did 2 things: 1) he prayed and sought the Lord before he went into any battle and 2) he understood and acknowledged the true source of his abilities: the Lord.
King David was confident in the Lord. He did not doubt whether the Lord spoke to him or even if he actually heard from God. He knew God and he knew His voice. He went to the Father in boldness. He asked the Father pointed questions and waited for the answer. David waited on the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans for him and his people. By acknowledging God through perpetual prayer and expecting Him to answer, David aligned himself with the Father. This means that David came into agreement with all that Father spoke and desired. The power of agreement is a force to be reckoned with!
Coming into agreement with the things that God speaks causes God to move on our behalf. It stirs Him and causes Him to not only grant us favor but to also multiply the blessings that He has for us. When David agreed with God that the army of the Lord was well able to defeat the Philistines, he gained favor with the King and he killed Goliath. He went from being a little known shepherd boy, to a wealthy, sought after hero. He went from being honored by a King, to being a King who God said was a man after my own heart. God took David from glory to glory; from faith to faith. When we agree with what God says, we position ourselves to receive from the throne of heaven. Jainists practice the art of speaking truth. We must speak the truth and position ourselves to not only receive God’s power, but to also see Him at His finest. Alignment commands God’s blessings. This is why it’s important that believers only speak what God speaks. This is why it’s important to view God as a trusted ally instead of a distant friend. The difference could come down to unity. When we unify our wants with God’s, we can expect Him to multiply our blessings.
Look at the passage. By yourself, you chase one thousand; working with a partner, you chase ten-thousand. God honors unity, agreement and alignment. Don’t allow yourself to step out of God’s will for your life. Keep fighting to follow Him! Don’t settle for mediocre, when God has the best!