Did you catch that? As believers we will not hunger or thirst or be misled. We will be insulated from the damaging effects of the elements. It isn’t because we deserve it. It isn’t because we’ve earned it. It’s solely because God has mercy on us and His mercy leads us to springs of water that refresh and cleanse.
I may not know what it feels like to go hungry but I certainly know what extreme thirst feels like. Your throat is dry and your mouth feels cottony. You feel tired and worn out. Your head throbs and your lips begin to crack. When it gets to this point, you could care less about whether the water is cold or hot, you just want the water. You don’t care how much it costs, or what you have to do to get the water. You simply want a drink.
This is the kind of stance we should have when it comes to our relationship with the Triune God. Our desire or fundamental need for anything should not supersede our desire or need of the Father. He is who we want and need in our lives. Don’t fall victim to the effects of the mirages in your life. Don’t allow your focus and attention to remain on things or people, instead of God. By committing to keeping God first in our lives, we are aligning ourselves with His desires for us. The bible tells us to seek you first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be added to you. Can you believe it? Just by pursuing God, the Father, we position ourselves to have our own desires met! Instead of being distracted by life’s mirages, we are free to be lead by a holy God.
God wants to meet our needs. He wants to ensure we give him first place in our lives. By doing this, we demonstrate our trust and faith in God to “add these other things” to us. God loves us and desires the best for us. There isn’t anything He will withhold from us that will benefit or prosper us. He promises that we forego our pursuit of things; we can attain the spiritual intimacy and maturity that comes as a result of making God our first priority.
Much like the main principle of the Sikhs, the purpose of every believer is develop a close, loving relationship with God. So, don’t try to come to God to get His presents; come to God to bask in His presence. Let His glorious love and power permeate every aspect of your life. Let Him kiss you on the inside of your heart. Remember, pursuit of things can only lead to deception. So, put God first.
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