We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. - Roman 8:28
All things—good, bad and ugly—are fitting into a plan for good for all the ones who love God. Amazing! In this scripture verse, God is partnering with us in our labor.
We are not alone! So the strenuous burdens, occurrences and sudden things that we encounter in life will all work together for our benefit. This is why some individuals can go on to create successful businesses that would have never been born without a lay off. It’s also why some people rejoice after the discovering they have early stage cancer; it was found early and could be treated early. While these stories aren’t the norm for everyone, they do point to an undeniable truth: all things are working together for our benefit.
We may not understand why something has happened to us. We may be tempted to condemn ourselves or cast blame on others. We may even think that somehow we have made a mistake and as a result, we are being punished. Many of these thoughts and emotions can be disheartening. God promises that when we move in childlike obedience and faith, He will make the crooked places in our lives straight. He promises that He will make our missteps our foot stool. Our mistakes will work to our benefit.
Much like Gnosticism believes there are mysteries surrounding the bible, some believers tend to think the “working together for our good” tenet is mysterious. It isn’t. It’s simply another way in which the Father takes special care in keeping watch over us. It His way of letting us know that even when things seem like they are spinning out of control, they aren’t. He’s still sovereign. He’s not surprised or taken aback. More importantly, He is still in control.
God is working everything out for our good. We need only trust Him and allow Him to time to move. Remember Paul and Silas? After being beaten and imprisoned, their songs of worship invoked the power of God to move on their behalf. The result? Many attested to the glory of God and came to know Him in a deeper more profound way. Remember Gideon? God reduced his army to 300 and they were still able to defeat tens of thousands of the enemy! God is working.