This message transcends societal boundaries like race, economic status, class or gender. For some of us, we absorb the message. We frequent the gym, spend money on the latest “get thin fast” products (and services) and we try our hardest to conform. For the rest of us, we resist the ideology that the size of the person somehow contributes to or shapes the character of a person. We uphold truths that convey that healthy lifestyles are ideal, physical activity is a must and good for your health eating is best. We refuse not because we’re a radical bunch. We refuse to be conformed because we recognize when something is not right. We can look beyond the veil cast by cunning ad campaigns and see the truth. The same holds true for the believer.
We must be able to look at the so-called truths being dished to us at every turn and see beyond the veil. We have to be willing to combat worldly fabrications and deceptive messages and embrace a higher, more relevant truth. The bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That we are indeed the apple of our Father’s eye. If we are quick to accept anything as truth, chances are we’ll fall for anything that’s completely false.
There’s a reason why the bible says that we live in the world but we are not of it. We live in the land, among the people but we are not to accept their ways of thinking in place of God’s truth. In His instructions and truth, live wisdom, righteousness and peace of mind.
Give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser’ teach a righteous man (one upright and in right standing with God) and he will increase in learning. – Proverbs 9:9
Sometimes, the reason we are experience discomfort in a situation or feel discontentment is because, spiritually, we sense that something is not right. We may not be able to put our finger on it but spiritually we know that something is off. There are some situations in our lives where God causes feelings of dissatisfaction. Why? To gently prod us to the place where we refuse to settle for half-truths. Much like Taoism where believers are encouraged to listen to the divine to find enlightenment, believers must heed God’s prodding to find wisdom.
God doesn’t want us to fit. He doesn’t want us embracing the “in” ideology. He wants us to grow stronger in our faith and amplify our intimate time with Him. He accomplishes this by leading us out of destructive thought processes. He gently encourages us to stretch the wings of our minds casting off mediocrity.
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