Tuesday, February 19, 2013


One of the most comforting aspects about being a Christian is that God has my present—and my future—in the palm of His hand. This simple principle has rescued me from the pits of worry and doubt that life often dumps me in. It has helped me encourage myself in the face of despair. My hope in God’s ability to orchestrate my life—and the life of my family members and friends—thwarts the enemy’s plans for me to worry, fret or create an atmosphere conducive to stress and emotional outbursts. Trusting God is absolutely freeing and liberating! It’s also very beneficial.

He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. – John 16:13
Listening to God as He speaks to us is a wonderful way to learn what lies ahead. Now before you get excited understand that God does not operate like crystal ball. If you’re expecting a full disclosure or blow by blow details of every moment for the next few years, you are in for a big shock. God doesn’t reveal snippets of our future so that we can do something about it, He reveals it so that we can prepare.
Several years ago, a friend of mine was getting married. Although she lived locally, the wedding was held 4 hours from my home. As I praying about traveling mercies, God showed me my tire going flat midway to the wedding. I cringed. Then Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart to pray for protection and help with the tire. Well, my tire did go flat. Actually it exploded but I wasn’t impacted at all. As I was getting ready to change the tire, a very kind man stopped and did it for me.

Sometimes, God will share good news with us or in the case above, some news that may not be so good. I can say that knowing beforehand that my tire would go flat, helped calm my nerves when I found myself stranded.

There are numerous accounts of God revealing His plans for the future. There’s Noah when God told him to prepare for the flood. There’s Moses when God told Moses to instruct the people how to prepare for the Passover. Fact is, God reveals His plans to His people faithfully.

In order to hear from God or know what His plans are for our lives, we must first seek God. We seek God by spending time with Him, reading His word (to get to know Him) and by rejoicing in His presence through praise or worship. It is here then that the Holy Spirit can inform us of the things to come. As the Spirit of God, He knows God’s heart as well as the specific plans God has in store for each of us. Much like the Baha’i believe that God’s presence and work are evident through creation and those He trusts, Holy Spirit is the evidence of God’s love for creation.

©2010-2013 Oracle Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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