Our lives—our very existence—are meant to be a testament to the glory of God. Not only are we crafted—fashioned—in the very image, likeness and character of God, we are chosen—set apart—by God to receive the very best He has for us. God’s love for humanity is unfailing. In times where Tsunamis, earthquakes, and widespread injustice are rampant in the land, it is often difficult for us to see or experience the love of God in the earth. But make no mistake, God loves us—you—with an unfailing love. How do I know? Behold the work of the cross.
“For God so greatly loved and prized the world, that He gave up His only son, so that whoever believes [trusts in, clings to or relies on] Him would not come to destruction or be lost but have eternal [everlasting] life.” John 3:16
Flogged. Beaten. Tortured. God the Son died for you that your sins would no longer condemn or constrict you. Instead, through Him you might embrace salvation and be made whole through Him. The Master of Heaven and earth loves you with an everlasting love. His desire is for us to look beyond the flickering emotions and circumstances in our lives and entwine ourselves in his wondrous presence. It is the warmth of His presence that preempts the anxieties, heart aches and disappointments that occur in life. God, the son, is the same yesterday, today and forever.
What does this mean in the 21st century? It means that when current events or the latest disasters take center stage, God’s love is still relevant. It means that when we are hopeless, despondent or emotionally damaged, God’s love still heals and restores. It means that when we’re tempted to accept the worldly stance that hope is all but dead, we simply close our eyes, envision a blood stained cross and accept that nothing could be further from the truth.
We’ll never know how much it cost, for the God the Father to see His only begotten son tortured and hung on a cross. The cross is Jesus’ ultimate act of love. He is truly God’s heaven-sent gift to humanity.
Much like the ---- which tells the story of one who came to redeem the wayward ways of the world, the word of God tells us that Christ’s love for is too wonderful to comprehend. For many of us, we cannot fathom a selfless or unconditional love. Friends fail us, loved ones hurt us and those who should be loyal abandon us. In spite of this, Christ’s work on the cross still stretches through time and space proclaiming once and for all: I love you just as much now, as I did when I died for you. My love never fades and it never fails. Ever.
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