Life is full of roller coaster like experiences that leave you feel exhilarated one moment and completely nauseated the next. You find yourself on top of the world, beating your chest in victory and triumph. Next thing you know, you’re wallowing in the trenches trying to ascertain what went wrong. There’s a reason for the saying life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. There’s a reason the bible tells us to be strong and very courageous. To live this life, you have to be.
It’s understandable that you’re going to get knocked down. You’re going to be tossed around like a ship without a sail or worse. Just know this: God is not surprised. As a matter of fact, He’s got a plan in place. Truth be told, He had the plan in place eons ago—and by eons I mean when He first called forth light into the world. God is not finite. He sees the beginning, the end and everything in between. His capacity to conduct our lives is only surpassed by His deep-seeded love for us. The Creator of heaven and earth LOVES us. What’s more, He is not caught off guard by our circumstances. If you find yourself feeling like life’s vice grips have you by the jugular, just know that God is still moving on your behalf and the feeling will pass. When your heart and soul become weary and it seems all hope is lost, God will indeed raise up His holy banner decreeing to the adversary—and all those who stand with him—that his reign is over. God is not the kind of God that needs to back track, re-focus and then move forward. He’s the kind of God that sees the end results and preps us to handle what occurs in between. He is our rod and our staff—our edifier and our encourager. He constantly journeys with us ever careful to guide us through the wavering and often time tumultuous tides of life.
The bible says never have the righteous been forsaken. It also reminds us that the Lord is our present help. It confirms to us that even though chaos and uncertainty surround us on all sides, God promises to lead us by the still waters. He promises to restore our soul.
Looking inward to resolve your own problems or circumstance will only yield anxiety, stress and fear. Looking to Great I AM, however, will yield peace of mind, hope and joy. Why joy? Because the bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. There is joy in knowing that despite how it feels, you’re never alone because the Chief Advocate is always with you.
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