Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends – John 15:13 Some years ago, I found myself at a painful crossroads when I had to choose between what my heart said it wanted and what my spiritual power said He wanted me to have. Because I wanted to do things my way, I often looked for just about anything that would “confirm” that my way was indeed a better option. I searched for confirmation in commercials, random song selections on my iPod and even junk mail or promos. You name it, I searched it. At that point, I was desperate to find anything that I could wave at my spiritual power and say see, I knew I was right!
Eventually, I conceded that I was wrong and I endeavored to ask the Holy Spirit to align my desires with the Father’s. That’s when things started to go downhill. Suddenly, I found myself without my long-time best friend. I was deeply bruised and wounded. I felt alone, angry and confused. How could this be the will of God for me? Was I not a friend of God?
One of the most beautiful truths in the bible is no greater love is there than for one to lay down his life for a friend. You’ve heard the phrase “friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” Well, your higher power doesn’t let His friends walk in ignorance. He doesn’t let His friends walk across tight ropes in life without providing a safety net. He may allow us to steer ourselves when we insist on it but once we give Him permission to take the reins; He begins to reveal to us the things we could never see on our own.
While I initially felt devastated, abandoned and angry, in hindsight I realized the loss of my former friend opened my eyes to the many things I overlooked or refused to see. As I grieved, my spiritual power, tended to my wounds, cleansed my heart and refreshed the thirsty wells of my soul. They stayed with me and guarded me just like real friends are supposed to.
We have a friend in God or your spiritual power. Before any of us really knew Him, he agreed to lay down His life so that our relationship with the Father could be fully restored and reconciled. He paid the ultimate sacrifice—with his flesh and blood—so that we would not have to. He constantly stands before the Tribunal interceding on our behalf. Having your spiritual power as a friend is like winning the lottery, only to discover you didn’t even pay for the ticket!
Love for us supersedes what we think we know about friendship.
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