Friday, October 19, 2012

Touching Heaven

Touching Heaven

Did you know that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective? Did you know that prayer with hope and expectation of an answer can move the heart of God? One of the most important tenets of the Christian faith is prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that believers can use to not only commune with God, but to rouse God to act on our behalf. Our prayers coupled with faith, stir God and cause Him to step down from His holy throne and inhabit our situation or circumstance. Our prayers are like sweet melodies that kiss the Creator’s heart allowing compassion, mercy and the miraculous to emanate from Him. It causes his sublime love of humanity, of His children, to flow from His eternal well of glory and life. Unlike wells on the earth, God’s well never runs dry. It’s never contaminated and it’s always sweet and refreshing to the soul.

When we pray to the Omnipotent God in heaven, with expectation, we invite Him to act on our behalf. We extend our arms and surrender our will. We lift our voices and hand over the reins of our lives as we whisper into the atmosphere not my will, but yours be done.

Throughout scripture, we know of many instances where prayer has swayed the heart of God to move on behalf of His children. Remember the story of Moses when he was with God on Mount Sinai? While Moses was on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments, the people became restless. In turn, they melted all of their gold and made statues of calves and began to worship them. The same people who just walked through a parted Red Sea, because of God’s faithfulness, where now worshipping statues! 

Moses interceded for the people. He knew God loved His people even though He was angry. God was ready to unleash his wrath against a people that He deemed stiff-necked and rebellious. God’s mind was made up but Moses pursued God in prayer. He asked God to change His mind about destroying the people and God did!

Moses communed with God face to face. Believers today commune with God spirit to spirit. The same way Moses’ petitions reached into the heart of God causing Him to move on behalf of those He loves, is the same way our prayers can touch heaven. Our prayers have the capacity to cause God to move in our favor.

This poor man cried out to the Lord and he heard my cry and delivered me from trouble.

The Master of Creation, the lover of our souls, wants us to cry out to Him in our time of trouble. The bible says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.  Muslims also believe prayers can touch heaven and move obstacles. Are you looking to touch heaven? Are you looking to experience a move of God in your life? Start with prayer; it changes everything.

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