Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WORK: Tree of abundance

We have a choice every day to either live according to God’s ways or man’s ways.  We can choose to delight in God’s word and trust that following it will bring us peace, joy, and success, or we can choose to trust in man’s ways, which oftentimes lead us to sin.

Psalm 1 explains that the blessed and successful are those who delight in God’s word.  It says that they will be like a tree planted by a river that brings forth abundant fruit, no matter what the weather is like.  This is good news.  My advice to you is to stay away from those who discourage you or ridicule you for your faith in God.  Live according to God’s counsel and watch and see blessings come your way.  

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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