Friday, August 23, 2013

Your Blessing is Coming Part 2

Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

We revisit this passage understanding that God does not want us to re-examine or relive past events in our lives. Not only does He want us to forget about them, He does not want us to even pay attention to them. He wants to prevent us from repeating past mistakes and relying on personal wisdom to move forward in the future. He will not hold our pasts against us. We also grasp that God is constantly making provision for our lives; however, sometimes we can miss Him especially when our focus is consumed by what happened yesterday.

God desires to speak to us about His purposes and plans for our lives. He desires to equip and prepare us to handle whatever He is orchestrating on our behalf. In verse 19, God admonishes us to stop and pay attention to what He is doing in our lives. While He does not readily give all the specifics about what to expect, we know from the latter part of the scripture verse that the new thing will be spectacular. I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

It is safe to conclude that God’s provision will be nothing short of miraculous. Causing rivers to thrive in a wasteland or carving out a path in a jungle is quite impressive, not to mention astonishing. It requires careful planning and perfect execution. It is not something you can blink or snap into existence. Instead, it is something that requires sovereign coordination and execution.

To receive the new thing God is trying to bring forth, we must be willing to let go of old things. Aparigraha explains we should detach ourselves from old habitual things. The same way God does not hold our pasts against us is the same we must not hold it against ourselves. The new move of God in our lives marks the end of the old things we tolerated or condoned. God’s new provision marks the end of old mindsets and old habits. Behold old things are passed away and now we are made new. Being able to receive God’s new provision requires more than just preparation, it requires obedience. The righteous inherit the kingdom of God—that’s what the bible tells us.

Living a Christ-centered life causes us to willingly forsake long-standing provisions in favor of God’s abundance. God wants to bless us. He desires to birth miraculous, amazing things in our lives. But first, we have to let go of our past. If we want to receive the fullness of God’s provision and blessings, we must allow Him to transition us. We have to be willing to cooperate with Him. Letting go is never easy. Make the decision to embrace tomorrow.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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