Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Practice Obedience

Obedience is the act of conforming to the command of a superior out of regard for his or her authority. Did you notice how it said that obedience was adhering to a superior’s commands because you felt it was the right thing to do? Did you read where it explained that obedience was predicated on whether you agreed with your superior, liked him or her, or even that your opinion on the matter was relevant? Neither did I.

Obedience and authority are interconnected. If you find it difficult to obey those in authority, count on not being given access to positions of authority or even being very successful in many areas of your life. Submitting to authority is one of the methods God uses to prepare us to live victoriously. When we submit ourselves to the authority of God’s word, we can avoid making decisions that have long-term dire consequences. Yielding to what is right is a conscious, deliberate choice. It is not something we stumble onto. Obedience requires intentional thought and action.

Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people – Exodus 19:5

This passage promises that obedience will cause us to be favored by God above everyone else. We will be God’s special treasure. Treasures are prized, well cared for and given special attention. They are not tossed into a junk box or stuffed into an overcrowded container. They are handled with thought and love. This is how God handles those whom He treasures.

Disobedience often creates problems or situations of great distress in our lives. Let’s look at David and Bathsheba. David clearly disobeyed God when he coveted Bathsheba. He clearly did not regard the law that forbids a man from sleeping with another man’s wife. As a result, their first child died bringing great distress and heartache to David. If we choose to conduct ourselves in a manner that is contrary to God’s word, we should expect intense pain and suffering to journey with us.

The same applies to submitting ourselves to authority. Whether the authority is on your job, at your church or in your home, refusing to obey a person in authority will only bring about strife, stress and unhappiness. God cannot bless disobedience.

Just think about Lucifer, Cain, Jonah, King Saul, and Adam—all disobeyed God and suffered judgment. Now think about Gideon, Joshua, Abraham, the Apostle Paul and Jesus—all yielded to God and his chosen authorities and were blessed. The goal of Sikhism to foster an intimate relationship with God—obedience accomplishes that.

If we expect to live victoriously or be counted as God’s special treasure, we must actively participate and commit to obeying God, his word and his delegated authorities. Doing so will afford us access to all of the benefits we are entitled to enjoy as believers. Deliberate obedience brings transformation in our minds and spirits. It activates God’s power in our lives.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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