Friday, March 29, 2013

On Sacred Ground

Every night before I go to bed, I have a ritual. I lay out my pajamas, light a scented candle and clear off all the clothes heaped atop my bed spread. Next, I take a long hot shower and wash my hair. When I get out the shower, I don a pair of flip flops, comfy slippers or socks—anything that will keep my newly clean feet off the ground. By now, my room is filled with a warm, flickering glow that smells of sweet gardenias or jasmine. I take a few deep breaths, pull back my bed spread and proceed to get into bed. But before I do, I make sure I remove the coverings on my feet. I wouldn’t want to track any dirt, lint or some other thing into my bed—my resting place.

Is it any wonder why God asked Moses to remove His sandals when he approached the burning bush? Imagine a green bush with green leaves, and perhaps tiny buds adorning its branches. At first glance, it really isn’t all that different from the surrounding shrubbery. Its roots are covered in dirt which doubles as a sealant and forms a protective barrier which anchors the shrub. Like I said nothing special. Now imagine the essence of glory surrounding the bush. See the innate presence of God emanating from the bush. The bush is on fire and yet it is not consumed. And as Moses approached this awesome site, God gave him a command: put your shoes off your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.

How can the ground be holy? It’s just dirt right? When God’s glory fills a space or thing, it becomes a dwelling place for the Lord. Scripture tells us that God is a holy god. If my vase is now filled with the intrinsic glory of the Great I AM, the vase itself –because it is the Lord’s dwelling or resting place—is now also holy. And when holiness is encountered, reverence, submission and worship are a must.

When you invite the Master of the Universe into your circumstance, you’re extending an invitation for Him to dwell or rest in that situation. When He RSVP’s and walks through the door, make sure He is met with the proper response. Be sure to put off the things that “track dirt” into your heart. Make sure you remove the things that act as a sealant or barrier between you and the presence of the living God. It’s impossible to openly worship God when your spirit is enclosed in sin. We have to be willing to put off the unholy things in our minds (and hearts) if we are to hear from God.

How we minister to God is vitally important to our spiritual growth as well as our ability to clearly hear God. When God manifests himself, similar to Baha’i custom, the believer is to treat the manifestation of God as holy or sacred.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It Simply Doesn’t Fit

We live in a society where waistline size seems to matter to an awful lot of people. Every where you turn, images of thin or slender individuals can be found. From lingerie ads to cleaning products and car commercials to the latest trends in hair care, every where you look thin is “in.”

This message transcends societal boundaries like race, economic status, class or gender. For some of us, we absorb the message. We frequent the gym, spend money on the latest “get thin fast” products (and services) and we try our hardest to conform. For the rest of us, we resist the ideology that the size of the person somehow contributes to or shapes the character of a person. We uphold truths that convey that healthy lifestyles are ideal, physical activity is a must and good for your health eating is best. We refuse not because we’re a radical bunch. We refuse to be conformed because we recognize when something is not right. We can look beyond the veil cast by cunning ad campaigns and see the truth. The same holds true for the believer.

We must be able to look at the so-called truths being dished to us at every turn and see beyond the veil. We have to be willing to combat worldly fabrications and deceptive messages and embrace a higher, more relevant truth. The bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That we are indeed the apple of our Father’s eye. If we are quick to accept anything as truth, chances are we’ll fall for anything that’s completely false.

There’s a reason why the bible says that we live in the world but we are not of it. We live in the land, among the people but we are not to accept their ways of thinking in place of God’s truth. In His instructions and truth, live wisdom, righteousness and peace of mind.

Give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser’ teach a righteous man (one upright and in right standing with God) and he will increase in learning. – Proverbs 9:9

Sometimes, the reason we are experience discomfort in a situation or feel discontentment is because, spiritually, we sense that something is not right. We may not be able to put our finger on it but spiritually we know that something is off. There are some situations in our lives where God causes feelings of dissatisfaction. Why? To gently prod us to the place where we refuse to settle for half-truths. Much like Taoism where believers are encouraged to listen to the divine to find enlightenment, believers must heed God’s prodding to find wisdom.

God doesn’t want us to fit. He doesn’t want us embracing the “in” ideology. He wants us to grow stronger in our faith and amplify our intimate time with Him. He accomplishes this by leading us out of destructive thought processes. He gently encourages us to stretch the wings of our minds casting off mediocrity.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 22, 2013


Everyone loves a party especially if it’s given in their honor. Balloons, special decorations, savory foods and of course desserts galore! Lots of people, dancing, music, games and an all-around good time had by all. When you throw these types of parties, the intention is quite clear: we’re there to celebrate the guest of honor. Party goers are united in that objective hoping to make the honored guest feel as special and valued as we believe they ought to feel. We sing to them, laugh with them and lavish them with gifts, surprises and well-wishes. We publicly pay homage to the mark they’ve left on our lives and in our hearts. We are there to actively participate in a public display of open adoration.

Which leads me to ask the question: when was the last time you celebrated the goodness and faithfulness of God in your life?

Do you tend to meet God’s faithfulness or provision in your life with a “less manna more meat” kind of attitude? Do you tend to regard the supernatural occurrences in your life with the same enthusiasm and excitement that you feel when you get your teeth pulled?

When you go above and beyond the call of duty to secure the best and finest gift you can muster and you present it to the object of your adoration, you’re naturally hoping for some form of gratitude in return. You’re not looking for feigned interest or forced appreciation. You’re hoping for a warm reception or at the very least, acknowledgment for your thoughtfulness. Instead, you’re greeted with contempt, ridicule and emotional despondence. Yet you’re still expected to dole out more gifts? It’s time for a change.

And for the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, they sought the Levites in all their places to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with gladness, with thanksgivings, and with singing, cymbals, harps and lyres. – Nehemiah 12:27 Not only does Nehemiah dedicate the completion of his task to the Lord, he gathers all the people—near and far—so that they could collectively celebrate the goodness of God. The bible tells us that where two or more are gathered in God’s midst on one accord, He will show up. Now that’s what I call an invitation.

The point is the people of Israel, upon receiving the fullness of God’s promises to them, purposed to celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness. They purposed to celebrate the Almighty Father with good tidings, joy, music, dancing and of course all the party trimmings. The people recognized that even though God didn’t completely remove every obstacle from their path, He triumphantly navigated their temporary journey through the valley.

Similar to celebration gatherings like those of the Asatru, the children of Israel lavished the Father with prayers, praise and thanksgiving. As believers, we should plan to set aside time to celebrate God’s goodness in our lives. We should celebrate His goodness often and earnestly.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


And when our enemies heard that their plot was known to us and that God had frustrated their purpose, we all returned to the wall, everyone to his work. And from time forth, half of my servants worked at the task, and the other half held the spears, shields, bows and coats of mail; and the leaders stood behind all the house of Judah. Those who built the wall and those who bore burdens loaded themselves so that everyone worked with one hand and held a weapon with the other hand. – Nehemiah 4:15-17

I simply LOVE the book of Nehemiah! What a powerful message for the present day believer. Here we have the story of Nehemiah who burned with a desire to rebuild the city of God’s people. He prayed to God, waited for Him to move on his behalf with the King and when the time came, God orchestrated favor for Nehemiah and the people to rebuild the city and its walls. But the story doesn’t stop there.

We have Sanballat, Tobiah and “company” who became enraged when they saw the progress that Nehemiah and the people of Israel were making. How many of you know that when God positions, prepares and releases you to operate in your purpose, there will always be those who desire to oppose you? Sanballat, Tobiah and “company” did all that they could to frustrate and obstruct the people’s progress. So what did they do first? They ridiculed the people.

You’ve heard it said “stick and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That’s a lie. Words do hurt. They cut deeply and leave us wounded and hemorrhaging. The enemy will use words of deception and fear tactics to ruffle our feathers—to throw us off track. Don’t let it. When Tobiah was trying to scare Nehemiah into abandoning his God-directed task, Nehemiah responded by being steadfast. He refused to succumb to fear. Why? Because he understood that giving into fear meant, he’d never possess the fullness of God’s promises in his life. But more importantly, he prayed against that fear. For every scare tactic, lie and deceptive practice of the enemy, Nehemiah prayed and invited God to be Sovereign—to lead the way—and He did!

When problems present themselves in your life, don’t succumb to the scare tactics of the enemy. Your adversary is hoping you’ll cower in the wake of his deceptive practices and intimidating assaults. Don’t run from your problems, ask God to lead the way through them. The same way God fought for Nehemiah by confusing the enemy and turning their own plots against them, is the same way God can fight for you. God is the same God, yesterday, today and forever.

The people built with one hand and carried a sword in the other. Perhaps their sword looked similar to the ones in the Sikh faith with a double-edged blade. They came prepared to build and prepared to fight.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 15, 2013


In the world of Christianity there many clichés designed to spur the believer into action or somehow increase the level of their faith. Let’s see how many you recognize.

“Cleanliness is next to godliness.”

“The devil goes to church every Sunday.”

“I’m saved, sanctified and running for my life.”

“Just name it and claim it.”

While many of these clichés can help or inspire the believer in some shape or form, the truth is that they often times are not based on scripture. Clichés tend to be a verbal expression of a humanity-endorsed form of ideology or opinion. In short, it’s cute to bring up in discussions among friends or family but ineffective when put into practice. It’s a vocal expression that attracts attention and begs to be acknowledged even though it lacks depth or power.

Is such a fast as yours what I have chose, a day for a man to humble himself with sorrow in his oul? [Is true fasting merely mechanical?] Is it only to bow down his head like a bulrush and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him [ to indicte a condition of heart the he does not have]? Will you call this a fast and an acceptable day to the Lord?

Here we see that fasting became a type of cliché for God’s people. The scripture tells us that the people fasted, not to draw closer to God, but to create strife and debate amid themselves. Much like any fad, fasting for God’s people had become the “it” thing to do. People were feigning piety and humility. They relished in self-glorifying rituals like wearing sackcloth and ashes. They tore their garments publicly to demonstrate how passionate they were about God’s precepts and desires. God’s response was simple. If you truly want to honor me in your fast, instead of renting (tearing) your outer garments, rent your soul. Instead of public displays of self-exalting rituals and traditions, lay your inward man before me that I may be glorified in and through you.

God isn’t looking for His people to develop the latest “in” thing to do. He’s not concerned with our quirky sayings or opinions. God has been and will forever continue to be concerned with the state of our heart. God wants us to put away every form of vanity, false acts of worship, arrogance and wrong motives. When the believer fasts, the purpose is to “break the power of flesh in our lives.”

Fasting is supposed to be a unique and spiritual encounter with God. It is a special consecrated time of prayer in which we come to God and invite Him to orchestrate our steps. Fasting isn’t a cliché or the latest religious fad. It is a widely embraced practiced designed to usher us into God’s presence. Hindus and Muslims have long used fasting as means to foster spiritual connection to the divine. For the believer the same holds true. Fasting with right motives is effective.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Heaven on Earth

How many times have you heard the statement: “ I can’t wait to get to heaven! It’s going to be so awesome and amazing!” You probably grew up hearing about heaven in Sunday school. The golden gates, floors made of gold, mythical creatures and constant rejoicing. You’ve probably heard the bible scriptures from the book of Revelation which attest to the glory of God’s throne, the Elders that surround that throne and the magnificence of the Son of God who constantly intervenes, on our behalf, before the tribunal of Heaven. No pain. No sickness. No sorrow. Heaven is a place where God’s glory permeates every atom and resonates within every molecule. God’s glory is interwoven through the very fabric of heaven breathing eternal life and inexplicable joy into all who dwell there.

Is it no wonder why we as believers spend so much time dreaming of our journey to heaven? Who wouldn’t enjoy a world where sin, pain, sorrow and death were absent? I know I certainly would.

[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! – Psalms 27:13

The operative words in this particular verse are land of the living. Unlike our counterparts in heaven, we are a people who dwell in the land of the living. We are not dead, but alive. Listen to what King David is saying in this passage. He is essentially asking the question that we all must ask at some point in time on this faith journey. Where would I truly be if I didn’t believe that I would surely see the Lord’s goodness while I was still alive? God’s goodness—His blessings—aren’t only stored and prepared for us after we get to heaven. His blessings—promises for abundant life—are prepared for us right now in our present.

I am not convinced that we are consigned to wading through life with only heaven to look forward too. I am not persuaded that joy, peace of mind and abundant living are only accessible in heaven. Despite the fact that many faiths like the Baha’i and Islam, believe in an after-life destination like heaven, I know that God’s treasures and blessings are accessible here on earth.

I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it

in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). – John 10:10

What a powerful statement. God is making a proclamation about what treasures or blessings we can expect here on earth. We CAN have a life. We CAN enjoy life to its fullest. No matter what God’s fullest looks like in your life, you CAN enjoy it here on earth, in the land of the living. The decision is yours. You can experience God’s joy in your life in the every day, mundane experiences you encounter. You can exercise your faith by trusting in God—by expecting to see and experience His goodness—His faithfulness—in your situation.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 8, 2013


Truly I say to you, unless you repent (change, turn about) and become like little children [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving], you can never enter the kingdom of heaven [at all]. – Matthew 18:3
Have you ever watched children play? Their smiles, energy and creativity can warm any heart and put a smile on even the grumpiest of faces. Children enjoy their surroundings. They laugh often. They dance, skip and hop often. They care less about what they don’t have and more about sharing what they do have. They tend to be fearless, grossly imaginative and often times forgiving. They trust others in a manner that is both refreshing and frightening. Still, God says that unless we become like children—trusting, lowly, loving and forgiving—it will be impossible for us to enter heaven at all! Now that’s a bold statement.

God wants us to trust Him to orchestrate and navigate our lives. He wants us to be lowly and careful not to function independently of Him. God wants us to be loving and forgiving of those around us—especially those who hurt us. If we refuse to love and forgive, God’s word says that we will not be forgiven.

Children are energetic and tend to the view the world with optimism and newness. Their imaginations and creativity exist beyond the norm or the ordinary. This is what God desires for us. He want us to approach life expecting the extraordinary. He wants us to live life in a state of anticipation and wonder. God wants us to believe and trust Him for the miraculous.

Children typically believe what they are told. If you tell a child that nothing is impossible, chances are they are going to believe you. This is how we need to be with God. When God says that we are more than conquerors, we need to believe Him. When He says that the power of life and death is seen by the words we let come out of our mouths, we must learn to take Him at His word. This type of faith, or child-like belief, is what God is after in each of us. We need to believe that God is who He says He is and that we are everything He says we can be! God is completely trust-worthy; people are not.
Jehovah’s Witnesses often depict children with Jesus in their pamphlets. They also subscribe to the belief, that unless we have the faith of children, the kingdom of heaven will not be accessible to believers.

We know that children aren’t perfect. They lack maturity. They often require guidance and instruction and they’re incapable of caring for themselves. I see a common theme emerging. Children are wholly dependent on parents and caregivers for every aspect of provision. This is what God desires for us—his people. He wants us to be wholly dependent upon Him for all of our needs, wants and desires. Doing so grows our faith, strengthens our relationship with God and develops intimacy.

©2010-2013 Oracle  laretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I’ve heard it said that the only constant in life is change. For many, change is a breeding ground for emotions like fear, insecurity, sorrow, and stress. It hinders us from walking in the fullness of all that God desires for our lives. So, instead of taking the bull by the horns and charging forward fearlessly, we cower—shrink back—and slip into a debilitating state of hibernation and inactivity. Many remain this way. None of us have too.

To you , Oh my strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy. – Psalms 59:17
Even though the winds of change blow through our lives with remarkable force, God never changes. He is the same God today, tomorrow and forever. God’s power is everlasting—His strength, unending. While most times we may feel we have the energy to stand against change, the truth is our strength wanes. God’s doesn’t. God is the living God who endures forever. He is our fortress and our refuge. When we look to God, he can deliver us from the stinging effects of change. He can shield us with His presence as hide in the safety of His wings.

God is our very near and present help. He’s never surprised by our circumstances and He’s never been caught dozing off on the job. He’s there for us, holding our hand as we navigate (with His Spirit) through valley experiences in life. He never sleeps nor slumbers. He does not have a stunt double who takes over when things get a little too dangerous. He has no substitute. He is Master of all earthly and heavenly things. He is Sovereign and exercises His power and dominion without trepidation or reservation. Caodaism teaches that God is a High Tower—a source of safety and strength. The same holds true in Christianity.

As we wait for God’s directions and guidance, we must allow ourselves to be fully dependent on Him. God wants to hold our hand and comfort us through difficult and trying times. God is our provision and our present help, we need only look to Him and wait for His answer. It may take a few minutes or a few days, but God will always answer. God is always speaking, we just need to be still and hear the answer.

You have to practice releasing your cares, worries and concerns so that you can hear clearly from the God of Heaven. Change is a part of life. There is no way to escape the far-reaching effects of change. As believers, we know that we don’t have to cower in fear or anxiety. Instead, we can hold God’s hand, acknowledge that He is indeed Lord over all things and respond accordingly to that truth.
We can allow the God of Heaven to be our “high tower” and shield us from energy draining, mind-boggling winds of change. How can we do that? By allowing God to do what He does best: love us.

©2010-2013 Oracle Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 1, 2013


The other day at a local restaurant, I noticed a brain teaser on the table. I’d looked it over. It seemed fairly easy. The waitress pointed out that game’s instructions were printed on the inside of a table menu. I said thank you and quickly dismissed her recommendation. It was a brain teaser for children. Surely, I wouldn’t have any problems.

Ten minutes zipped by. Another ten minutes came and went as I continued my quest to solve the brain teaser. I just knew I was close. As I ate my food, I intently worked on the teaser until finally I got frustrated and gave up. When the waitress noticed the half-finished teaser she smiled and chuckled. Apparently, I’d made the same mistake she did: refused to read the instructions. She pointed out that both of us attempted to solve the teaser using incorrect assumptions—this is why it was necessary to read the instructions.

Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as not following direction can create frustration and stress? Here I was ready to pull my hair out when all I really had to do was follow instructions. This is just how we tend to be with God. We get so busy trying to do our own thing that often times we fail to stop, listen to the voice of wisdom and do what we’ve been asked to do. We get caught up in our own thoughts and independent mindsets as we try to solve our own problems. We think we know best but in the end, we don’t.

God says that when we commit our works to the Lord, our thoughts will be established. So, instead of racing off to try and solve the next problem, we should take a step back, pray and ask God for His divine direction. We don’t have to worry, become overly frustrated or angry. We simply need to pray and listen to what the Lord is saying.

Christian Scientists believe that consulting the Almighty God is essential to discovering truth, direction and wisdom. When we approach God’s throne expecting to hear from Him, we should be prepared to wait on Him for an answer. When we wait on God, we are exercising our faith. In essence, we are saying to God, “Lord, I trust you to lead me and I will wait for you to give me clear direction for my life.” When we come before God with that type of faith, God is truly delighted to resume the role of Sovereign Ruler in our lives. He steps into our circumstance or situation and sends word through the Holy Spirit of what we should do. It is up to us to quiet our minds and our hearts so that we can receive those instructions.

It is our responsibility to cast our cares and burdens onto the Lord. We can trust God to lead us safely through any circumstance. All we need do is ask Him, listen and do what He says.

©2010-2013 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved - Email Marketing Solution Rocket Lawyer - Protect Your Loved Ones