Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WORK: What does God think about work?

What does God think about work?

Have you ever wondered what God thinks about work? Do you think he wants us to work or not? Let’s take a look at what he says in Genesis. God created the earth and that act was his very first “work”. The Bible records that he thought his creation was, “very good.” (Gen. 1:31) History tells us that after Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, God put a curse on him and put him to work taking care of the earth. Because of this, some view work as a curse, but God’s intention was for Adam and Eve to tend the Garden of Eden even before the Fall, so work afterwards would not be considered a curse. After all, who would take care of our precious earth if it weren’t for Adam?

God is a Creator. He created us to help take care of the earth as well as to use it as a blessing. Even if you are not a farmer or tending the earth, you bring God glory by using your talents in some way, shape, or form. We are partners with God and whether your job is sacred or secular, God loves it when you have a good attitude toward work.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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