Tuesday, October 19, 2010

LIFE: Difficulty

Most people will agree that life is full of unexpected twists and turns as well as bumps in the road.  No matter one’s race, religion, background, financial status, ect., difficulties come.  Do you realize that as believers in God, we have quite an advantage over non-believers because we are told in the Scriptures that God is with us in every trial, in every difficulty?  That’s right.  God guarantees His presence with us to walk through trials!  When tempted to become discouraged or angry, remember that God promised to give us power to stay calm in the midst of trouble (Psalm 27). 

Things may not turn out exactly as planned, but expect God to be with you in difficult times, and God will get you through.  Jesus stated in John 16:33 that in Him we will have peace.  Jesus went through an incredible amount of obstacles in His life. He did not let discouragement stop Him from fulfilling His plan.  He was an overcomer and you can be too!

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

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