Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MARRIAGE: Obedience

Ephesians admonishes husbands to love their wives as Christ loved his people as well as how a man loves his own body.  Jesus loved his people so much that he sacrificed his life.  Men ought to love their wives with the same intense love.   

The relationship between Jesus and the church mirrors the relationship he wants between husbands and wives. How did Jesus love the church?  He sacrificed and served out of love and a passion to please God.  He also protected the church and took time to teach and pray as well.  If your aim is to please God and be obedient to him, you’re more likely to have a more fulfilling and long lasting marriage. 

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

LIFE: Dreams/goals

If you stopped and asked ten people on the street today what their dreams and goals are, most of them would not be able to give you a detailed answer.  Most people think about their dreams every so often but tend to stay in the “dream mode” instead of actively making the effort to attain their dreams. 

You may hear things like, “I want to lose thirty pounds,” or, “I want to be an architect,” or even, “I want to be financially sound,” but what you might not hear is the steps they are taking to fulfill these dreams. 

Dreams create passion and passion causes action.  Begin writing out your short term and long term dreams and begin taking action toward them.   Ask God to help you and don’t be afraid to dream big.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Faith plays an important role in healing and walking in divine health.  Many doctors admit that their patient’s faith plays an important role in their recoveries.  Those with great faith usually recover faster and have a better attitude than those with little or no faith.

In the New Testament we read about a woman who suffered from a health problem for 12 years.  She heard about Jesus and his desire to heal people and she believed that if she simply touched him, she would be healed.  She pressed through the crowd and as she touched his robe, she felt healing power surge through her.  Jesus looked at her and said, “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”  (Luke 8)

Where is your faith today?  God wants you well.  Between faith in God and the various medicines available today, you can be live in divine health.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WORK: Struggling financially

If you are struggling to make ends meet, perhaps it’s time to sit down and have a heart to heart with yourself and God.  Ask God to reveal truth to you concerning your finances and career (or lack of career).  Honestly ask questions such as, “Am I spending money on unnecessary things? Am I working as hard as I can? Should I get a second job until I get caught up?”

If you have been slack on financial responsibility, you may be frustrated and disappointed with yourself. Perhaps it’s time to seek a financial counselor or someone you can be accountable to regarding your finances.  Sometimes financial problems arise due to issues deep within such as low self-esteem or vanity.  Get to the root of the problem and begin making changes immediately.

God wants his people to be financially responsible. How can we bless others when we swamped with debt? Romans 13:8 tells us to owe nothing to anyone--except for your obligation to love one another.  Begin making changes today.

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

LIFE: Abundance


If you’ve read the Old Testament, you probably noticed that God blessed and took care of the Israelites.  He abundantly blessed them as long as they were obedient to His ways.  He told them that they would have great success and prosper if they learned and followed His laws. (Joshua 1:8) They prospered in wealth, health, relationally, and spiritually. 

God wants the same for us.  Jesus states that God’s will is that we have and enjoy abundant life and that God will supply all of our needs. (John 10:10, Philippians 4:19)       Abundance is not measured solely by money, but also one’s spiritual and emotional success, as well as love, peace, generosity, and health.  God told Joshua if they learned the Word of God and followed it, they would prosper and God wants us to do the same today.  Take the time to learn God’s word and principles for life and be assured you will prosper and live in abundance in your life as well.   

©2010-2011 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved